
Name Your Top 5 Dream Elimination Chamber Matches ?

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Here is mine but it's not in oder.

1.The Big Show Paul Wight Vs Kane Vs Psycho Sid Vs Kevin Nash Vs The Undertaker Vs The Great Khali

2.Rey Mysterio Vs Sabu Vs Evan Bourne Vs A.J Styles Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Owen Hart

3.Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock Vs John Cena Vs Brock Lesnar Vs Bill Goldberg Vs Randy Orton

4.Edge Vs Cactus Jack Vs Sting Vs The Undertaker Vs John Cena Vs Batista

5.Y2J Chris Jericho Vs Kurt Angle Vs Bret The Hitman Hart Vs Samoa Joe Vs The Nature Boy Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels




  1. not in order:

    1. Gangrel vs Viscera vs Edge vs Chrisitan vs The Undertaker vs Farooq

    2. Big Show vs Kane vs Umaga vs KEvin Nash vs Giant Gonzalez vs The Undertaker

    3. Ric Flair vs Dusty Rhodes vs Golddust vs Scott Hall vs Bily Kidman vs Brian KEndrick

    4. Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs The Rock Vs John Cena Vs Brock Lesnar Vs Bill Goldberg Vs Randy Orton

    5. Y2J Chris Jericho Vs Kurt Angle Vs Bret The Hitman Hart Vs Samoa Joe Vs The Nature Boy Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels

  2. Best Wrestlers of all time

    1)Shawn Michaels vs The Rock vs Stone Cold vs Bret Hart vs The Undertaker vs Ric Flair

    Best Technical Wrestlers

    2)Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle vs Mr. Perfect vs Owen Hart vs Dean Malenko

    My Favourite Wrestlers

    3)Eddie Guerrero vs Randy Orton vs The Rock vs Shane McMahon vs Masked Kane vs Biker Undertaker

  3. 1.The big show Vs kane Vs The Undertaker Vs john cena vs the great khali vs mark henry

    2.randy orton vs bret hart vs umage vs edge vs stone cold vs the rock

    3.batista vs rey vs ric flair vs shawn michaels vs hulk hogan vs the rock

    4.ric flair vs the rock vs hulk hogan vs stone cold vs bret hart vs the undertaker

    5.khali vs y2j vs kane vs rey vs ric vs shawn michaels  

  4. 1.Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero vs Bret Hart vs Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H

    2.Rob Van Dam vs Sabu vs Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho vs Edge vs Jeff Hardy

    3.The Rock vs Stone Cold vs Triple H vs Kane (Masked) vs Mankind vs Sting

    4.Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker vs Sting vs Kane (Masked) vs Big Show

    5.Christian Cage vs Rhino vs Gangrel vs Scott Hall vs Kurt Angle vs Ken Shamrock

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