
Name a bad behavior that can tarnish someone in your eyes?

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Name a bad behavior that can tarnish someone in your eyes?




  1. people who tries to get me into MLM stuff (multi-level marketing)

    I've had 2 friends who spend alot of time bugging me with this stuff, trying to recruit me.

    To me, its an obvious scam, because I have to pay and then recruit more people myself and the "pyramid scam" goes on.

    These scam is nothing new, but to me, its absolutely wrong when people use their friends to get them to join because its a scam, and their action of doing that means that they are trying to scam their very own friends.

  2. A dishonest person and just having a mean spirit. I also get very irritated by anyone who will go out of their way to hurt people who can't defend themselves.  

  3. Lying. That's it! That is the only thing.

  4. Dishonesty.  I can tolerate just about anything else, but not dishonesty because I lose respect for people who lie.  And people I don't respect, I don't generally continue to like.  So if you lie to me, it changes our whole dynamic.

  5. Drinking around children or smoking around pets.

    Both of those drive me nuts and will more than likely act as an instant relationship killer for me.

  6. There are several, but I have no tolerance for people who cheat on their incorporates lying and betrayal, and in a sense theft, and just plain doing mean stuff to someone else.

  7. oh, among lots of other devious things this hoodlum (my nephew on my husbands side of the family)has done... he is 18 been in and out of jail.... he stole checks from his 83 year old grandmother and tried to cash them, yes i cant stand the site of him...

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