
Name a book which you have never lent to anybody because the impact is so overwhelming?

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- that you wanted to be the only person , you know to have read it




  1. The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway. My best friend has been dying to read it since he finished college, but I won't lend him mine. And it could be that I don't want to give up my copy, but it would be a great book for him to read. He just has to get his own!

  2. Mists of Avalon because that is the book where my now husband wrote in it that he loved me.

  3. "2666" by Roberto Bolano. Not only because it's too overwhelming, but also because it hasn't been released yet, lol.

    Galley proofs are awesome.

  4. Before I got some common sense, it was Twilight. Yes, I used to be a Twi-Freak. Guilty.

    Now, it's got to be Emma by Jane Austen, which is pointless because none of my friends read Jane Austen... besides that, it's got to be White Oleander by Janet Fitch.

  5. a child called it. it was wonderful. and also twilight. im a twihard.

  6. A Man Could Get Killed That Way by Weldon Hill.  

    Partially because it took me so long to find a copy of a book I read long ago that's been out of print for many years, and somewhat because I wouldn't want to risk losing it, but as you say, it became MY inspirational story, and I want to protect that feeling.

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