
Name a person that takes the road less traveled? ?

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Who doesn't or didn't go with the norm, and is independent. Who can you think of that chose to follow a path that many don't wander down? (Referring to Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken)




  1. My friend...I honestly wouldn't know where to start.  

    I remember my other friend used that poem in a speech in elementary school....and this reminds me that I have English hw about poems that I should start.  

  2. Me!

  3. In addition to Rosa Parks & Martin Luther King,

    Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-)

    Nonviolent activist for democracy and human rights in Myanmar (Burma). Under house arrest since 1990. 1991 Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.

    Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Spiritual and political leader for India's independence from Britain through nonviolent protest.

    Nelson Mandela (1918-)Resisted South African apartheid (imprisoned, 1962-1982); President of South Africa (1994-1999). 1993 Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.

    Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) Escaped slavery and became prominent activist for abolition of slavery and for the civil rights of all oppressed people.

    Jane Addams (1860-1935) Pioneer social worker and feminist. 1931 Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.

    Russell Means (1939-) Activist for Native American rights; first national director of American Indian Movement (AIM).

    Ralph Nader (1934-) Consumer advocate, environmentalist, critic of corporate abuse; founder of Public Interest Research Group

    John Muir (1838-1914) One of the founders of the environmentalist movement; first President of Sierra Club.

    Bono (Paul Hewson) (1960-) Singer/songwriter and social activist. Has lobbied for Third World debt relief, human rights, and the environment.

    Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) (1910-1997) Devoted life to working among the poorest of the poor. 1979 Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.

    Malcolm X (1925-1966) Activist for African American pride and empowerment.

    Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) Farm worker rights organizer; founded United Farm Workers (UFW).

    Marian Wright Edelman (1939-) Founder of the Children's Defense Fund (CDF), which advocates for rights of children.

    Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) Social activist who lobbied against slavery and for women's rights. She is most notably known for her involvement in suffragist movement

    Noam Chomsky (1928-)Equally famous in linguistics and politics. Has been a critic of abuses of power by government and corporations.

    Rachel Carson (1907-1964) Exposed how chemicals used in agriculture were polluting the water supply and ourselves.

    And then there are the explorers who also took the road less travelled:

    Colonel Daniel Boone (1734-1820) was an American pioneer, soldier, and explorer; he was born near Reading, Pennsylvania. Boone founded the first US settlement west of the Appalachian mountains.

    John Cabot (1450-1499) was an Italian-born English explorer and navigator. In Italy, he is known as Giovanni Caboto which is his original name.

    Christopher Houston "Kit" Carson (Dec. 24, 1809 - May 23, 1868) was an American explorer, guide, fur trapper, Indian agent, rancher, and soldier, who traveled through the southwestern and western USA.

    Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) was a French explorer who led three expeditions to Canada, in 1534, 1535, and 1541. He was looking for a route to the Pacific through North America (a Northwest Passage) but did not find one. Cartier paved the way for French exploration of North America.

    William Clark (1770-1838) and Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809) set out in May 1804 to explore and map the American West. They were accompanied by a crew of men, and later, the Shoshone Indian guide and interpreter Sacagawea and her infant son. They travelled by river and by land from Missouri to the Oregon coast (Fort Clatsop), and back again. Their journey took 2 years, 4 months, and 10 days, and they travelled over 8,000 miles.

    more at the source link

  4. Martin Luther King Jr, rosa Parks, Ghandi, the Pope to name a few.  

  5. Rosa Parks

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