
Name a scenario where a person would be born a citizen of four different countries at birth.?

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Name a scenario where a person would be born a citizen of four different countries at birth.?




  1. 1 parent has dual citizenship, the other a citizen of another country, born on a 4th country's soil?

  2. if the mom was in the military and she had the baby at a point where three countries all came together like that place where Pa, Md and WV all come together  that would work for 2 countries if the dad was a furiner too.

  3. If someone is born in the US to one parent who has Canadian and UK citizenship and another parent who has French citizenship, that might allow the child to have citizenship to all 4 countries, but the child would have to apply for them.  He or she wouldn't automatically have them right at birth.  I'm not 100% sure about that, though.

  4. Far as I know, this is a true story, with an "Oh for Four" outcome. This happened a long time ago, before Embassy Tehran fell.

    There was a naturalized US Citizen, born in Greece, working for the Embassy. His wife was Japanese. Their baby was born in Tehran.  His tour ended, and he needed a passport for the baby so he could take his family back to the USA.  

    First attempt at getting a US passport failed because he didn't meet the residency requirement for a naturalized citizen to transmit citizenship. (Ten years citizenship, five after the age of 14.)

    So he went to the Greek Embassy, and they said, "Where's the Greek father? You *used* to be Greek, but you're American now. We don't issue Greek passports to children of American men."

    Next, they tried the Japanese Embassy. "What? You think a mere *woman* can transmit Japanese citizenship?  Don't let the door hit you on your way out."  (OK, they were much more diplomatic, but this is my story.)

    So they tried the Iranians. "Sorry, you have to be *Iranian* in order to make an Iranian baby.  We don't do that 'born here, citizen here' stuff like the Americans."

    The baby had no travel document.  What to do?  A creative consular officer made an official-looking document with a big waxed seal and ribbons and veddy impawtent places for veddy impawtent signatures. The document stated only the truth- "This certifies that Baby So-and-so is the legitimate son of Mr. So-and-so, with a diplomatic visa in his USA passport and his wife, Mrs. So-and-so with Japanese citizenship."  They left a place on this document for an exit stamp, and everyone was happy- The Iranians didn't really want to detain a baby, some consular officer received a "git 'er done" award,  and the family got to arrive in the USA, together.

  5. the answer in math will be

    mom from country A

    dad from country B

    Step dad from country C

    country of birtd D

  6. Being born on a US military base in Germany.

  7. Totally guessing here, but how about the person is born in an embassy, in a country which grants dual citizenship, to parents from yet a third and fourth country, which grant automatic citizenship to children of parents from those countries?

  8. if they were born in antarctica?

  9. A child born in a plane that originated in the Philippines with an American father and a Japanese mother with the plane landing in China.  The child can claim multiple citizenships.

  10. Heidi's is the most accurate answer - although Going's is the most entertaining.

    Most countries do not grant citizenship to anyone born in that country, so the China proposal would not work.  Nor does birth on a military base in Germany (or even in a German hospital).  However, if two dual citizen parents (with four different citizenship between them) should give birth in one of the few countries that does grant citizenship according to jus soli, like the US, the child could conceivably be entitled to five citizenships - depending. of course, on the transmittal laws for each of the parents' four citizenships.

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