Easy 2 points for the ones who own a few, not so easy for the ones who own 30 of them;) Name Your webkinz type, whether their lil' or regular size, and their name, in the order you adopted them;)
Mine ( All of mine are regular, I have no lil' kinz )(26):
Rabbit, Maycee
Sammie, Elephant
Linsday, Cocker Spaniel
Candy, Frog
Kendra, Chocolate Lab
Ricky, German Shepard
Dancer, Reindeer
Monica, Yellow Lab
Alayna, Black lab
Alvin, Turtle
Addy, Collie
Krystal, Basset Hound
Shadow, St. Bernard
Taco, Chihuahua
Sunset, LIon
Abigail, Yorkie
Artic, Husky
Benny, Dalmation
Popscicle, Seal
Accorn, Raccoon
Anna, Panda
Aylssa, Penguin
Cherry, Polar Bear
Taylor, Love frog
Lindsey ( after my cocker spaniel who died when I was 10, and my virtual cocker spaniel's brithday is on mine:) ), American Cocker Spaniel
Sarah, Brown Dog