
Name all the males that were accused of rape in 1982?

by  |  earlier

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one particular male was convicted of raping and robbing a young mother in her Indian Village home. He was let out on wednesday after 26 years in prison. he was faulsly accused




  1. Your question is understandable. It is not a question, question, it is more a statement to bring to light the plight of how the system convicts innocent people and in some cases how females will use rape to get at people.

    This issue has to be explored because when things like this happens it not only destroys the fabrick of the system, but also destroys families and causes further crimes.

    I know of several men who were wrongly convicted of rape and some were murdered by other men who felt they were ridding the world of scum as they called it; and then later they found out that the person did not commit the crime.

    There are many cases where the prosecutor hide the evidence that proved the person was innocent and the man spent a great part of his life in prison, and lost his family and friends before proving he was innocent.

    When the prosecutors hide evidence and knowingly convict innocent ment and it is found out nothing happens to the prosecutor for hiding this information. This also puts a label on all females when one or two females lie like this. It makes it hard to believe that someone was raped.

    I am happy for DNA, maybe now the truth will come out before a man has to spend 24 or 25 years in prison before proving his innocents.

  2. Oooooo-k then. Your question is impossible to answer. There were literally thousands of them. One man falsely accused does not mean anything without a context to place it with. So what is the point of your question? It makes little sense as it stands.

  3. how can anyone possibly answer this...& what about all of the rapists who DO get away with it?

    p.s. i holiday in India...i wouldn't put anything past the police there...i've seen them in action...taking bribes from innocent people...tourists included!

  4. Stop whining.  Conviction rates for rape are very low (13% in US, 5% in UK).

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