
Name and url of grants available to build a community centre for our town!?

by  |  earlier

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the cost to build is around 750,000£'s




  1. Grants for community centres come from:

    -- the local and regional governments

    -- local businesses

    -- local branches of national or international businesses

    Only YOU can say what those are for your area. So, get busy identifying who those are, and how to contact them and discuss funding. And be ready to say how much money YOU, yourself will be contributing, as well as how much money the community itself will be contributing.

  2. This is a very expensive community centre - are you sure you can justify the size of this project in relation to the amount of use?

    You need to contact your local CVS or RCC who will have specialist software to search for grants for this project. The Lottery community buildings stream has now claosed.

  3. Try applying for lottery funding.

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