
Name another quote!?

by Guest56536  |  earlier

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"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny."

Here is yet again another quote that i would like to know more about....what does it symbolize? What is the commentary behind this quote? What does this quote mean?




  1. It means there is no such thing as fate or coincidence. There is no 'plan'. Its the choices we make that make us who we are. Its the choices you make that determine where you go in life.

  2. I don't know who wrote the quote but it means  you can choose your life's work which in turn brings you success or

    defeat in your total life!!! Chances come like the lottery or Vegas bets!!

  3. You are ultimately in control of your life; you can't just sit around and wait for good things to fall in ur lap, you have to actually go out and make the right decisions, and get the benefits. chance, coincidence, whatever can only get you so far. also, if something bad happens randomly, out of nowhere, it isn't necessarily part of your destiny--it's just chance, and chance doesn't rule your life. on the other hand, if you make a bad decision and it comes back at you, it's your fault, and you just have to work urself out of it. it's a bit depressing, actually. although I suppose it is meant to be empowering.
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