
Name as many instrumments as you can that meashure the weather?

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Name as many instrumments as you can that meashure the weather?




  1. barometer


    wind gauge

    rain gauge

    wet dry bulb setup for determining relative humidity

    weather vane


    thats all ive got

  2. wind vane, anemometer, thermometer, barometer

    not too many people know about the sling psycrometer(impressed)

  3. barometer, anamometer, thermometer, sling physcometer, rain gauge, wind vain, weather balloon, hydrometer****

    ****I have to say that i cannot spell so these may not be spelled right****

  4. Answer:-1) Barometer to measure pressure.

    2)Thermometer to measure temperature,

    3)Rainguage to measure the rainfall,

    4)Anemometer to measure the wind speed,

    5)Windwane to find out the wind direction,

    6)Ceilometer to know the cloud heights,

    7) Pyrheliometer to measure the direct solar radiation,

    8)Doppler radar to track the weather systems like cyclones,tornados,cloud movement and speed,cloud cover,cloud height etc.

    9) Hygrometer to find out the humidity

    10) Radiosonde(attached to weather balloons) to find out pressure,temperature,humidity etc in the upper levels

    11) Satellite to locate tropical revolving storms and other weather systems and

    (12) Compass to find out directions.

  5. I use this site for lesson plans and for my students to visit in elementary school but I learn a lot from it. This lists quite a few:

  6. A. instruments that is set in a weather station:

    1. Thermometers measure air temperature

    2. barometer measures air pressure

    3. psychrometer measures relative humidity

    4. anemometer, measures wind speed.

    5. Rain gauges, measures rainfall

    6. Hygrometer, hygorgraph also for humidity measuring

    other instruments on the ground:

    6. ceilometers  determine the base of the cloud height by sending up pulses of light towards the cloud

    7. solarimeter, determine net solar radiation

    B. Upper instruments:

    8. box kite, They were used to carry instruments aloft, and then could be reeled in and the equipment recovered. nowadays its only use for special research.

    9. and nowadays we use weather balloons measure weather conditions higher in the atmosphere

    10. radiosondes that is usually carried by weather balloons. it can measures temperatures and humidity.

    11. ozonesondes, also carried by larger weather balloons,  especially designed to measure ozone in the stratosphere

    12. Weather satellites are able to photograph and track large - scale air movements.

    13. weather radar.

    14. doppler.. etc..

    hmm why it is more difficult if we are facing a question?

    anyway.. oh yeah. i almost forget, WEATHER MAPS indicate atmospheric conditions above a large portion of the Earth's surface, we use it to forecast the weather.

  7. barometer

    rain gauge

    weather balloon


    ....that's all I've got off the top of my head....

  8. thermometer - measures temperature

    barometer - measures atmospheric pressure

    anemometer - measures wind speed

    wind vane - measures wind direction (sometimes combined with the anemometer)

    rain gauge - measures rainfall in inches

    skin & hair - tells you whether it's humid or not! (LOL - just wondering if you were paying attention)

    Of course there are lots of sophisticated computer programs that can plot weather patterns and "predict" the weather but I don't know what the names of any of them are.

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