
Name change in Georgia - is this a felony?

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I am told when changing your name in Georgia (or other states) you have to sign an oath stating you "are NOT changing your name for purposes of evading criminal or civil prosecution or debt." I know a 42 yr old convicted felon who was able to seal his extensive Chicago record but could NOT expunge drug dealing & gun possession charges. Changed his last name in 99' while living in Chicago. He became a Georgia resident 5 yrs ago. in 05' - convicted for writing bad checks in Clayton county. has 3 warrants in Dekalb county for unpaid tickets w/3 more turning into warrants soon. his yearly tax refund is intercepted for child support arrears. he has defaulted school loans and numerous other debts and I have a default judgment of $6k against him and baby mama for fraud. He obviously LIED under oath when PURPOSELY hiding his past/present history in order 2 change his name. Isn't this a felony? His sole purpose to change his name is to evade prosecution & hide from his debts.




  1. Yes, most definitly. What does your lawyer say about it?

  2. Yes, it is a punishible felon offense. If caught he'll most likely do some time for identity theft and lying.

  3. of course it is. contact the authorites and release his name and past name. he lied on his application to change his name.

  4. in theory they can still find you when you change your name because it's all registered information, you dont need to tell people you changed your name.  if loan agencies are too lazy too look for him they deserve to not get repaid.  all the information is easy to find, name changes do not "change your identity" on the other hand if he's just using a fake name then yes he is guilty of identity theft (even if he didnt steal an identity).

  5. Doesn't sound good at all. This guy is still up to no good. I hope he gets caught. He hasn't learned anything from his past. He deserves whatever is coming to him if caught. What a loser. Your probably this guy. I can't believe that going through all this trouble for somebody else. Let him worry about it, why should you. Maybe you can take care of his ole' lady while he's in the can since your such a good friend.

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