
Name conditions for Russia & USA unite in one country?

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Don't you think the world will be better place to live when Russia unites with America and South Korea with North?




  1. Oh, please do me the favor and ask this question in the Russian section !!!

    Tell to a Russian to be united with USA !

    I truly want to see their reaction !!!

  2. If we become a one world government, this would happen, only it wouldn't be just Russia and the US.  We are well on our way to this with the UN.

    Theoretically, we would have one government which would govern all of the world, and each nation would be subject to that government.

    This would allow free trade and money exchange without the interference of pesky special interests, like nationalism.

    The only winners in this scenario would be the WTO, (which is trying to increase it's power right now, by eliminating the ability of people in the US to get alternative treatments for medical conditions without prescriptions), and other big banking organizations.

    It would also eliminate the need to divert any money into national defense, for any nation.

    These people would control all the money in the world, and they would determine the standard of living that each of us were able to have.  We would be absolutely dependent on their largess, for anything.

    I think that while it might be a nice idea, in theory, it won't work, because it puts too much power into the hands of a very few, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

  3. The US Constitution contains provisions for States who might consider joining. I don't believe the Russian Constitution does.

    Also, I don't see it happening any time soon. <g>

    The two Koreas? Only when the government of North Korea completely implodes.

    That one might happen in my lifetime.

  4. "When Alaska runs out of oil we'll probably give it back to them"

    Wouldn't we have to check with the caribou first? I mean we aren't drilling in ANWAR because we might offend the caribou.

    I do not see this happening. The UN is pushing for one world government, and I will fight that until my death bed. I will also fight against a North American Union. The only people who gain from that are Mexicans and Canadians.

  5. When Alaska runs out of oil we'll probably give it back to them.

  6. Then the two super powers would be one huge super power. No I would be terrible as no one on the earth would be able to resist their power. That's the way the world works, balancing power against each other. :(

  7. I have often observed that the top 2 biggest companies will remain in a competition.  They stay neck to neck and the balance of the power is good for progress.  USA needs a counter part.   I do think North & South Korea would be better if they were united.

  8. Just what America needs...more gangsters and another 150 million welfare cases!  I think that we are already importing more than enough of both over our southern border.

    North Korea and South Korea are two entirely different societies now.  If they reunite, it should be on South Korea's terms, not the North's terms.  I would say that reunion would never work, but take a look at Germany.

  9. One country?

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " A whole new world"

    A united kingdom.

    Need time.

    But time not on our side.

    To overcome communication problems.

    If they can come up with a yellow ribbon.

    In solving the mess out there for the good of mankind in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men.

    If the Elders can make it.

    Then will hit the home-run for the good of mankind.

    Luke 24.44-45

    What do you think?

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