
Name for my baybay??

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My wife is pregnant and she just got her amnio results back. Unfortunately, our baby has Down syndrome. The problem is, the name that we had in mind, Aydin, means intelligent. I was wondering if it would be cruel to go ahead and name him that knowing his condition, or should we go with our favorite name. Would anyone even know what it meant? I am really not meaning to offend anyone. I am genuinely curious.




  1. Name your baby whatever you want. You will love him whatever happens. A name is just a name.  

  2. I think you should go ahead and name him the name you had picked out, you shouldn't name him something different just because somethings wrong with him.

  3. I don't think that's disrespectful, although I do think it would be disrespectful for someone to question your choice of names. I'm sure no one will know the meaning, and kids with Down Syndrome are intelligent in their own, unique way, so you could justify the name if you ever had to.

    If you are really uncomfortable with the name, try it as a middle name.

    Congrats on your new baby!

  4. As a parent you love your child with all your heart and you look through their disabilities and see them for who they are. Your child will be intelligent, maybe not in they way most people think, but to you he will be. When he learns to sit up, to crawl, walk and recognize you as his parents doesn't that show some type of intelligence. Aydin is a beautiful name for what will be a beautiful baby.

  5. First, those tests are often wrong. But if it is correct, no you would not be wrong. Your child could be intelligent for his condition. He could be intelligent in other areas. And many people don't pay that any attention unless it is there name and then they may know what it means. But it is fine to use it.  

  6. umm use that name its good p.s. goodluck finding stuffwith his name on it lol

  7. I think that's a cute name. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. You can have down syndrome and still be an intelligent person.  

  8. I don't think anyone really knows what the meaning to Aydin is, so I say go with that name. It's a great name. And I babysit a girl with down syndrome, and she is very intelligent. I say that having that name would be an inspiration, and your son will grow into that name as he gets older, and his condition becomes less of a problem to him.

    Congrats on your new family member, and which ever name you choose will be perfect for your son.!

  9. I wouldn't know what the meaning of Aiden was/is...i'd just think what a nice name!!~.....I don't think it would be all...b/c i bet he'll teach you so much more then any professor ever could!~....

  10. Ryan

  11. Aydin is a beautiful name and when you child comes i dont think you will feel the same about his lack of intellegence. down syndrome does not mean the end of the world you might be pleasantly surprised with Aydin! Good luck

  12. whats down syndrome?

  13. Congrats on your baby! I honestly see nothing wrong with naming him Aydin. Nothing! So what if he has down syndrome?! That doesn't mean that this little guy won't be intelligent. God bless him I think Aydin is the absolute perfect name. Don't let the meaning of a name or the fact that he has down syndrome make you change the name. I say welcome to the world Aydin!

  14. God bless you guys. Let me tell you something, doctors are not always right. My mother was told I would be this way, just read some of my Questions and Answers on here, you will come to realize I am very intelligent. I am home schooling 4 children, and one that is deaf. Keep praying and have faith, it will all be alright.

    You should indeed name your child Aydin, give him that name by faith, and God will take care of the rest. I just watched a show the other night, it was a true story of how this woman said her doctor told her that her child would have this same condition, and turned out they were wrong.

  15. Sorry to hear about your baby's condition :( But I think that Aydin is a beautiful name and you should go forth with it, if it is you and your wife's favorite name. I don't think it mocks Down syndrome at all. James would be a nice middle name to go with Aydin! Good luck and congrats.

  16. I wouldn't see why not.  People with downs syndrome can be very intelligent.

    Treat him as you would a kid without downs syndrome.  

  17. First of all, that test is wrong a lot, you may not have a Down Syndrome baby

    Second, they are smart people

    They just learn different

    My daughter has Autism, I know several Down Syndrome children

    One, has a very mild case, you may not know she had it

    Aydin, If you love that name, then it's prefect

    I like Royce, it means Rose, but it's a strong name

  18. no one would know what the meaning of the name and Aydin is a good name cuz everyone is intelligent in there own way  

  19. I think it's a very cute name-and every one is intelligent on their own levels anyhow...I would name him that.

  20. Your child will be intelligent in his own way. I think it would be cruel to not name him Aydin for that reason. No one really knows name meanings anyways. Kudos for keeping your baby after knowing about his condition.

  21. Aydin is a lovely name just don't mae a big deal over the meaning or maybe if you are really worried spell it Aidan! so it sounds the same but an alternate spelling!!!  

  22. I think it is a nice name. I also think that it is thoughtful of you to be considerate of his diagnosis, as you are being. I think you should name him Aydin and apply it to the intelligent things he will do, as of course, even with down syndrome children still love and I think one of the most intelligent things someone can do is to love. Focus on the positive things he will do and the name can bring a smile to your face

  23. I think you should still go with Aydin. It isn't like someone is going to see that his name is Aydin and right away know it means intelligent. By the way it is a great name!

  24. I'm So Sorry To Hear That! But No, I Don't Think It Would Be Cruel. And No, I Don't Think Many People Would Know What It Meant.

    I'm Sure He Will Be Intelligent In His Own Way :)

    Hope That Helped!

    God Bless And Good Luck :)

  25. i personally don't search what all of my friends' names mean, but if u think that people will be curious and figure out the meaning of his name, than it's better to be safe than sorry. Do whatever feels right!

  26. i dnt really get your question but my cousin has down syndrome and let me tell you that people with down syndrome are really sweet and kind and so so lovable .. i like the name Aydin it is really nice .. but if u r not comfortable with naming him aydin then here are a few names i like

    -oliver(meaning: it comes from the olive tree, "extending an olive branch" signifying an offer of peace

    -jacob(meaning: supplanter)



    -caelan (this is an originally irish name meaning powerful )

    hope this helps

  27. Honestly, I think people look too much into the meaning of names. I think if you like a name it doesn't have to be about the meaning. Most people won't notice anyway. Very few people aren't going to bother to look up a name unless

    A.They like the name Aydin

    B.It's their name

    or C.It's their sweetheart or crushes name

    Anyone else who may have randomly stumbled upon it's meaning will never remember. If you had your heart set on Aydin.. go for it!

  28. ok ummm adrian

  29. Personally, I think you both should go for your favorite name. It shouldn't matter what the baby has; even down syndrome. It's still a good name & whatever condition it has; shouldn't even affect the name of the baby. you get what im saying?  

  30. I don't think anyone would know that it meant intelligent. If anyone did make a comment, you could always say that it is your favorite name and you didn't know that it meant that. My parents loved the name Chelsea and named my sister that not knowing that it meant an english port of ships.

  31. your child can still be intelligent with down syndrome. the only people that arent intelligent are lazy people. everyone is intellengent within their own capability.

    EDIT: Livii - - haha my names chelsea brook, my parents named me that KNOWING that chelsea meant english harbor and brook meant a creek...hahahha =] goes to show you, when you love a name the meaning means nothing =]
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