
Name of Currency of France?

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Name of Currency of France?




  1. it used to be "franc" until 2002 and then we switched to "euro"

  2. Since January 1st, 2001, we use the EURO.

    Before that, we used to use the French Franc.  Always mention French as there are other currencies named franc in the world, Swiss Franc, Pacific Franc, CFA Franc (central africa), etc.....and these currencies are still in use.

  3. since 2001 the currency of France is EURO as majors country in EU, Before it was FRANC.

  4. EURO

  5. euro... unfortunately

  6. name of france's currency is EURO

  7. It's the euro and has been since like 2001 so ignore the people saying "franc"

  8. You should go to school!!!

    any 7yrd kid knows that,

    Where you from???

  9. the french use the euro as their currency as do most other countries in the eu roy the thicko

  10. Franc

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