
Name of a wild flower found at the base of Snowdon. Single stem with white feather like flower.?

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Name of a wild flower found at the base of Snowdon. Single stem with white feather like flower.?




  1. There are many snowdrops at the base of Snowdon.  These elegant yet small flowers bloom in spring, fighting their way through difficult and rocky soils to show their pure and perfect form for many weeks.

  2. I would really love to know a little more because I'm a botany student.  

    I need to see a picture could you modify your question to include:

    Stem - "hair" no hairs?

    Leaves - single triple, round or pointy?:  linear or branched veins

    Blossom - fused Pistil? number of petals: types/number of

    stamens, etc

    There is so much more that is required in order to determine the exact type of plant and then sometimes plants that "look" alike can have different DNA.  

    I hope you give us a picture and a little info about the area.  For instance is it riparian or alpine and is it in North Wales?

    Is it like the ones on this link: one

  3. daisy

  4. Right two choices. One use the link or two since there's ny a photo I'll take a quess and say Eidleweiss.

  5. Sounds like a cotton grass (Eriophorum vaginatum). This is common in boggy ground. Certainly not Edelweiss, which is not native to Britain.

  6. I'm pretty sure it's a snowdrop

    they are beautiful flowers

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