
Name of bus stops on London buses?

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Hello, I was wondering whether London buses have some sort of screen inside to tell passengers what bus stop they're at? It may be a silly question, but does anybody know? Thanks.




  1. Some do, alternatively try and sit upstairs on the left hand side adn you can read the names of the bus stops as you go by...

  2. there are some that do but it's completely random as to whether the bus you get on will have it or not ... plus on some of the buses that do have one, it's switched off ... a few years back they had some buses near me that not only had a screen with the name of the next stop on it but also a recorded voice that said it out loud, it was supposed to help people with sight difficulties, but it was so horribly annoying it didn't last long as everyone else on the bus complained bitterly about it

    but drivers and other passengers on the bus are normally extremely helpful as long as you can describe where you want to get off ... just ask !!

  3. i live in south London and all buses have an automated system, which was installed just recently, whenever it enters a new road it mentions the name of the road, and when it stops at a bus stop it also mentions the name of the bus stop, its really helpful, i have got lost few times, some people even get on the wrong bus, i once saws women who had got on the wrong bus and hadent realised it, she had to go on the other side of the road and catch a bus from there.

    i think its part of a bigger transport for London initiative that will see the introduction of these systems across London buses, it might take sometimes, but i think they are  a great idea.

  4. I have only seen a few that do, in central London, but the majority do not. Some drivers are nice and if you ask then they will tell you when you get to the stop you need.

  5. Not normally, but bendy buses do (when they work!).  Shame Boris promised to do away with them.

  6. They don't, but if you ask the driver, he or she will let you know when to get off.

  7. Yes, this is currently being rapidly rolled out and will be on every one of the 8,000 London buses by 2009. It is called "iBus".

  8. No they dont, normally people just know where they are going to get off.

  9. Some of them do, escpecially the routes that tourists may be on.

    I was grateful for this when I first moved to London!

  10. Some of them do, but it seems to be quite random, some bus stops have little screens telling when to expect the different buses to arrive, but they too are randomly placed and mostly don't work properly, or the bus your waiting for is the one bus they haven't programmed into it, ha ha.  One of my local buses has now got a screen in it, and a voice that tells you what road your currently on, but it also tells you what road you are going past and doesn't distinguish between the two which is very confusing for visitors who don't know where they are.

  11. I used to be a London Bus driver, we never had that sort of technology but things may have changed. People used to ask me to let them know when we reached such and such place. I was always happy to do so, just stay within ear shot and maybe ask for approximately how long it will take to get there.

  12. just look around and you will see probably a park or something like that. to remember the place.

  13. Some of them do, it depends what route you are on. Bendy buses do and some of the newer double deckers. Also, all the bus stops have the name of the stop written on them, if you can sit near a window near the door. Hx

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