
Name of sci fi book - main characters travel from world to world. one world was a world where advertising..?

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was everywhere. lighted ads dominated most available surfaces. also there were pharmaceuticals for everthing for everday life. there were some other crazy worlds they traveled to. I think one was a world that had either less or more than 3 dimensions (but don't quote me on that). I lost this book before finishing it and it's driving me crazy! Also the lead characters got put together for some reason...again don't really recall. Arghhhhh. Please help.




  1. pendragon??

  2. Shamploo Planet , perhaps .:0)

  3. Was your main character a teenage girl, about 15? Also, was it a young adult series? I've got two answers maybe, if your book fits this criteria:

    Could be Abarat by Clive Barker.

    The main character travels around a series of islands.One of these islands has a place called Commexo City, which I believe is full of ads.

    And I think one of the islands is based out of time, and the people living there can see visions of the future (if you count time as a dimesion).

    That last bit, about the lead characters getting put together, I can't quite attribute to this book. Also, I'd say this is closer to fantasy than sci-fi.


    And I just remembered this series I read a while ago called "Mirror Mirror" by Louise Cooper. About a teenage girl from this futuristic world (full of ads?) who jumps through this mirror-portal thing. Meets a guy in this world, and they proceed to have a few adventures jumping through the mirrors. Found a quick review here:

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