
Name one person who changed your life and why?

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Name one person who changed your life and why?




  1. My oldest son.

    He quiented my temper possibly the reason I'm still alive now.

    *wow I got a thumbs down for that?*

  2. My high school guidance counselor: He stopped me from committing suicide and showed me things were manageable if I tried.

  3. My first boyfriend. I used to be painfully shy but he completely changed my view of the world and made me understand that I could be anything I wanted to be (well, almost anything :-))

  4. My daughter. She has shown me how to love without words where so may others have failed. Best wishes.

    Light & Love

    ( She still creates changes in me - she is 19 years old now)

  5. My Aunt Laura.   She was my bio dad's oldest sister.   She had major health (heart) problems from the time she was a teen.   She had a hysterectomy at 18 because they felt another child would kill her.   She spent weeks on end in the hospital.  When I was born she was 42.   She died at 56.   She had 1 child, 15 grandchildren  (she was a grandmother at  33) and never missed a harvest (farm wife).  

    Visiting her in the hospital when I was 13 - we talked for over an hour.   I told her I had just met this wonderful boy and I was going to spend the rest of my life with him!  She said that was great since we had the rest of our lives we didn't have to rush into getting married.   (She was disappointed her daughter got married at 14.)   She encouraged me (us) to make a life plan.

  6. My best swedish friend, Gustav.

    He was like a brother to me. He taught me how to play basketball, football (soccer), and pokeman! He was the only one who supported my decision to move to america to better myself. I appreciate everything he has done for me! I am a better person because of him.

  7. I did.

    For every action and, decision i make, is what affects my life in various ways.

    EDIT: Don't feel bad Michelle, i got a thumbs down and only one thumb up.

    I guess either I'm the most hated person in this forum, or people just don't believe any one can possibly be an only influence on themself.

  8. well my mom because she did so many things for me like changed my diaper and other parents just give their kids up if they cant handle it and even tho my mom had to wake up at 3am ever day to change my diaper and feed me she never gave up

  9. My husband.  He has helped form the type of person I am today.  And he has had a positive influence.  Mainly, he is so laid back and very low drama.  He has helped me relax and enjoy life.

  10. My mom,she showed me how NOT to be!!!!

  11. The news director at the radio station where I volunteer. He saw my potential and encouraged me to further develop it, which is how I decided to pursue a career in radio.

  12. i fell into the lake one time as a kid and no one saw. this stranger jumped in and saved my life. and walked off after i was out. he never said anything. i was about 5 and never thanked him. i wrote about him in school.  i could have died. now i always help other people in need.

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