
Name one program the government runs well...?

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And are you sure you want the government running a national health insurance program?




  1. National defense is a program.  The US government does an excellent job with that as I haven't been too concerned about invasion recently.

    Medicare has one of the lowest expense ratios of any governmental program and actually beats the costs of a number of private insurers on a per capita basis.  

    So yeah, I wouldn't mind having a national health insurance program which would allow those who are currently uninsured to get health care.  National health care won't replace private health care (private will be faster and arguably better) BUT you cannot seriously argue for maintaining the status quo when roughly 50% of all bankruptcies are caused by health expenses.

  2. The Three Branches, The Executive, The Legislative, and The Judaical, All these have done real well for themselves.

  3. The army Dinning facility.

          The army gives plenty of meal choices at each meal.  Even if we go to a field exercise the priority is to make sure the soldiers have hot food for at least one meal during the day. There are a few military programs that are ran very well with the welfare of the common soldier in mind.

    The army medical program has been good to me despite the past news headlines. When I go to the medical facility  I usually see a Nurse Practitioner instead of a doctor I assume because doctors cost more and my prescriptions depending on what they treat are generic instead of brand names.The one problem about the health care will be that at times you wait forever to be seen by a physician and the wait in the lobby is too long at times.

  4. The military runs extremely well, when politicians keep their noses out of it. Sadly, politicians seldom do.  They saddle our troops with burdensome rules of engagement, then send them out to fight an enemy that has no rules. Then traitors, like Jack Murtha, persecute our own soldiers through the legal system.

  5. welfare

  6. Taxes,

  7. None....unless you are on the recieving end of welfare or a similar hand out.

  8. corruption

  9. the only one that the government runs well is the one that brings in big bucks in their pockets.

  10. Their own payroll

  11. They always manage to agree on one thing...Using taxpayers money to give themselves a raise.

    I had to respond to Chris..If you think health care is bad now, wait for socialized medicine. My grandparents live in England, and this has divided their country into two classes. The wealthy who receive private health care, and the poor who now go to the government run clinics for every runny nose. You had better be prepared to like long lines, and lots of patience if you get your wish, pal.

  12. Medicare, Medicaid, SS, the VA all do better than the private insurance companies.

    stop buying into the propaganda.

    Republicans complain that big govt doesnt work- then set out and PROVE it

  13. I think things could be a lot better, but they could certainly be much worse.

    We live in a country where the poor can afford to be fat.

    Think about it.

  14. none

  15. I kind of thought I did.......but good point.....

  16. Be frankly,It is gonna take a while to find the answer for your question.Try the resource here for reference.

  17. The IRS!

  18. In the American government. There are tons and tons but there are few that we blame, and we take all the things that the government does for granted.

    for example America is pretty safe from terror after 9/11

    War is able to stay out of the USA

    America has the greatest military in the world

    American economy is one of the highest.

    Yea the Bush admin has screwed alot up but at least we dont live under a dictator and starve

  19. "Medicare, Medicaid, SS, the VA all do better than the private insurance companies."

    This is a bogus statement. The private insurance companies don't have the luxury of forcing their customers to pay, whether they want service or not. And even though the government does have that luxury, those programs are all in danger as we speak.

  20. The run halliburton pretty well...

    and yes I would want a government run national heath care, but run like it is in just about every other country, not as a for profit of the government like I fear our government would do.

    And to all those that will put a thumbs down to me. please don't tell me government health care doesn't work, because we are the only western country in the world that doesn't have it, even a lot of what we would call third world countries seem to be able to provide its people with government run health care.

  21. I agree with the first, none!  Even the military have a hard time using hospitals!

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