
Name some important things that Princess Diana did?

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  1. Well, she slept with just about anything in pants.

  2. Brought the whole AIDS issue to the forefront of British society.  Prior to her hugging a person with AIDS, many thought you could "catch" the disease through contact, and certainly none of the royals had done such a thing.  

    She also taught her sons to get out and really get to know what was going on around the country.

  3. Constant self-promotion;funny 'phone calls;sleeping with Arabs;bursting into tears.

  4. She helped alot of people, especially with her aids campains.

  5. Heir and spare -her sole importance to the Royal line!

  6. She was true to herself in spite of the family she married into and the papparazi

  7. Got away fromt that UGLY husband of hers because he thinks he is all  that.......................

  8. Bought the attention of the world to the plight of people who are living in countries with landmines.   Also helped in countries ravaged by aids.  She did more good than any other member of that family maybe with the exception of Princess Margaret.

  9. ---Produced an heir and a spare to the British throne, assuring the succession

    ---Supported the British fashion industry

    ---Popularized an international crusade against land mines

    ---Became an early advocate for HIV and AIDS patients

  10. William and Harry.

  11. She got killed.

    Have a wonderful day!

  12. She died in a car accident, that was important

  13. *Gave birth to the future King and the third in line to the


    * Highlighted the fact that Prince Charles was human like the rest of us.

    *Brought her boys up to be 'normal' and to help people

    *Highlighted the landmine issue in other countries.

    *Broke down the barrier that existed between HIV and AIDs sufferers and those who thought you could catch it by touch.

  14. Here is the complete list of everything important she did in her entire life:

    1.  Gave birth to Prince William.

  15. Diana was fighting for the removal of land mines from war torn areas around the world.She worked for the homeless,the sick.Visit for a look at all of her charities.

  16. Leave Charles

  17. She was involved in many charities, including aids.  Children and adults injured by mines.

    She also gave her sons more of a normal life than most royal children had.  She gave them quality time, she allowed them fun things so they could be children, and most of all I think she showed them how to be more down to earth.

  18. Princess Diana, first of all, brought royalty back in fashion-- not in clothes, but as in being accessible. People were getting a bit tired of the distance of the royals; Diana, on the other hand, was a breath of fresh air and was always happy to be around people and talk to them, touch them, be with them.

    In her charitable endeavours, she was among the first to publicly touch people with AIDS, to take royal children to visit the homeless and ill in hospital to show them that the rest of the world isn't as privileged as they are-- giving them a sense of responsibility for the people they may later "rule". She touched leprosy patients, all those taboos were broken. She didn't let her beauty stop her from standing beside and supporting people less fortunate or less "attractive" than she was.

    She used the attention she got to draw attention to the causes she cared about-- children, eating disorders, AIDS patients, the "marginalized."

    It all sounds very fluffy, but her impact cannot be diminished. If not for Diana, the royal family would have died a quiet, sad little death in the corner. They would still exist, but "just" so.

    She had her problems, there's no mistaking that. She used the media to her advantage, there's no denying that either. But she also did a lot of good.

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