
Name some overrated finishers and underrated? Gl ^_^?

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Hey There Wrestling Section,

Dont you hate it when a wrestler does a move that another wrestler might use as a Special and it has the same impact but the opponent doesnt get "hurt as badly?"

Some moves are like

Leg drop? hogan did it and won alot of matches?

DDT from the top turnbuckle?

Big Boot--test used it and beat alot of people? how come undertaker kane or jbl dont win with that move?

List the-

5 Overrated Finishers-






5 Underrated Finishers






Thanks Alot!




  1. I agree with tenfold 619 is a joke

  2. Overrated-


    Leg Drop

    Figure4 leg lock

    Edge's spear

    Khali Chop




    Running Big Boot


    Missile Drop kick

    Some others (underrated)-

    Lion Sault

    Bear Hug (it gives the feeling of about to break Bones, OUCH!)


  3. 5 Overrated Finishers-

    Holly Wood Leg Drop

    Tombstone Piledriver

    Batista bomb


    Sweet Chin Music

    5 Underrated Finishers

    The Kendrick

    Gore - Rhino's Spear

    Missile Drop Kick - the One Maven Used


    Shooting Star Press (Evan Bourne)

  4. Overated:


    RKO-A rip off of the Diamond Cutter.


    Tombstone Driver

    Sweet Chin Music


    Sky High

    Celtic Cross

    Regal's Stretch

    RVD's Frog Splash

    Tazz Mission.

  5. I partly agree with you with the fact that one guy can have a finisher and another guy can do it as another move, but some people are known for what they do and how they do it, like many people do the DDT but Raven's Raven Effect is something else just because it's Raven doing it. Same thing with Hogan's Legdrop.


    - Batista Bomb

    - 619

    - Hogans Leg Drop

    - World's Strongest Slam (Mark Henry)

    - Playmaker (MVP)


    - Celtic Cross (Finlay)

    - Corkscrew Neckbreaker (John Morrison)

    - Stevie-T (Stevie Richards)

    - Angels Wings (Christopher Daniels)

    - Cradle Piledriver (Jerry Lynn)

  6. Anything that starts from the Fireman's Carry sucks:  that includes Cena and CM Punk.....come on its just a transition move that Fit Finlay/RVD did years ago.  The only acceptable move is the Samoan Drop since Umaga is fat......and 400 pounds of lard falling on you hurts alot more than a throw from the shoulders.

    Cena's whole move set looks weak and his FU is not a driver, suplex, or headbump so how the h**l is a simple slam from his shoulders going to KO anybody?

    CM Punk's GTS is hardcore in theory but you might as well call this Pepsi Crystal cause it has no substance to it!  Ok so the setup is fireman carry throw to the KO knee strike.  The problem here is that nearly everyone stands back up and it looks like a simple kick.  There is no crazy insane Tony Jaa flying knees here.  Nobody really sells it well in WWE.  Go back to the Anaconda Vice!  

  7. Over rated

    Pile Driver

    Power Bomb


    Face Buster

    Under Rated

    Canadian Destroyer

  8. Overrated

    5 Knuckle Shuffle


    Peoples Elbow


    Leg Drop






    Twist of Fate

  9. 5 overrated

    5. DDT (unless it's done by Jake Roberts, or Raven)

    4. power bomb (but only because it's overrused) (it's still an awesome finisher in Japan though)

    3. 619 (it just looks too phony)

    2. FU (It's just an elevated fireman's carry)

    1. Tie: The Worm,  People's Elbow and Hogan's legdrop (an Elbowdrop is not a finisher unless the guy doing it is well over 300 LBS, and the worm is not even a real wrestling move, let alone a finisher) and don't get me started on the legdrop


    5. reverse swinging STO (Knox Out)- Mike Knox

    4. Reality Check - The Miz

    3. Dominator (Ron Simmons' version, not Bobby Lashley's)

    2. shooting star press - Evan Bourne

    and the most underrated finisher goes to:

    (drum roll)


    1. Moonlight Drive - John Morrison

    2. Air Raid Crash/Cdeltic Cross - Finlay

    Mr. R I agree with you, except for the Death Valley Bomb (in Japan), because in Japan the move is actually done right, most Americans don't even know how to properly execute the move. The DVB (DVD is just a poor American translation) supposed to have a sick head drop, much like the Burning Hammer, but it got lost when it came to AMERICA. There is a Death Valley Driver in Japan to, but it's a fireman's carry into a tombstone, which is pretty cool, but I only know one guy who does it Tatshuito Takaiwa (or whatever way it's spelled)

  10. 5 overrated finishers

    - Five Knuckle Shuffle

    - STFU

    - The People's Elbow

    - Atomic Leg Drop

    - Chokeslam

    5 Underrated finishers

    - Mandible Claw

    - Swanton Bomb (Recently)

    - Playmaker (always fails)

    - Walls of Jericho (also recently)

    - Gogoplata (it's banned, thus its potential is overlooked and htus underrated)

  11. 5 Overrated Finishers-

    -5.The nasty boys arm pit shove. Yes it is a finisher. Ive seen two or three matches end to this move. For people who don't get it. Brian Knobbs shoves his foes face into his arm pit and they faint from the stink LOL

    -4.Five knuckle shuffle. I agree it not a finisher. I dont think cena has pinned anyone after this but I just hate this move

    -3.The hart punch. Does anyone remember waylin mersey?

    -2.-The worlds strongest slam. The most overrated finisher of today. I think hornswoggle could kick out of it and I would totally believe it.

    -1. Atomic Leg drop without a doubt is the most overrated finishers of all time.

    5 Underrated Finishers

    -5.Mike knocks finisher. I dont know what it is called but it looks awsome to me

    4- Chris Candido's top rope powerbomb. This didn't end the match to often but that is one h**l of a finisher if you ask me. No one should get up from that

    3-Figure four. No one uses it and when Ric Flair used it no one submitted to it to often

    2-Juvi Driver. I love this move and it looked so painful

    1-The code breaker. g*y name but you imagine someone putting their knee on your jaw and drops down. OUCH!!!





  12. Overrated

    1. FU

    2. Hogans Leg Drop

    3. Peoples Elbow

    4. Cody Rhodes DDT

    5. Big Boot


    1. Playmaker

    2. Back Stabber (Carlito)

    3.Corkscrew Neckbreaker

    4. Celtic Cross

    5. Last Ride (Wrestlers always kick out of it.)

  13. Overrated Finishers:

    The Worm

    The People's Elbow

    The Mandible Claw

    Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop

    The Go-To-Sleep

    Underrated Finishers:

    The RKO

    The Samoan Spike

    The Gogolplata

    The STFU

    The Widow's Peak

    I like the 619. It may not be a power move. But it's pretty entertaining.

  14. Overrated:

    Hogan's Legdrop

    JBL's Clothesline from h**l

    The Worm (Scotty 2 Hotty)

    Stinkface (Rikishi)

    Ultimate Warrior's Press Slam


    Diamond Cutter (DDP)

    Kidman's Shooting Star Press

    Mr. Perfect's Perfect Press

    CM Punk's GTS (oh, the coordination required)

    Chris Kanyon's Flatliner

  15. Botchtista bomb

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