
Name some scientists that made major discovieries?

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could you name a few, so that I can get my project started? They had to have done something interesting that I can write about. preferrably in the field of medicine or science.




  1. jonas salk-polio vaccine

    pennicline guy?? i don't rember his name

  2. wow there are so many that you could choose from but i will give you a few that might give you some ideas.

    Newton is a good choice and you can find loads of information on the web. Same with Mendel, Einstein, Madame Curie. These are perhaps the 4 more well known ones. There are couse loads more, why not try putting in a question that might interest you in like who discovered..... and finding the name of the scientist involved and taking it from there?

  3. Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek - the microscope.

    Willem Kolff - the kidney dialisis machine.

    Alexander Fleming - penicillin.

    Wilhelm Röntgen - the existance of x-ray

    William D. Coolidge - the x-ray tube.

    Charles Gerhardt - synthetic asperin

    James Watt - The (working) steam engines

    Isaac Newton - gravity & the laws of motion

    Albert Einstein - General Relativity, Special Relativity.

    Lene Hau - That light could be stopped.

    Heike Kamerling - Superconductivity.

    Brothers Wright - Flight

    Francois Isaac de Rivaz - The internal combustion engine.

    Thomas Edison - The light bulb.

  4. Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton,

  5. Rosalind Franklin DNA

    Nikola Tesla Radio

  6. Charles Darwin, Niels Bohr, Galileo, Isaac Newton, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Robert Hooke, Carolus Linnaeus, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Rutherford, or Chevalier de Lamarck. Hope this helps :-)

  7. Einstein




    There are a LOT.

  8. Thomas Alva Edison

    Madam Currie

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