
Name some ways you saved money?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for money saving almost anything...





  1. 1) I take the bus to work.

    2) I have a turn back thermostat which turns the heat and A/C back when I'm at work or asleep.

    3) I use those fluorescent bulbs in high use areas.

    4) When on sale, I buy items in bulk.

    5) I don't buy things I don't need.

  2. Don't overspend.It happens all the time, someone see's something they want but dont need and they buy it. Just get what you need and save the rest in a bank or bond. Set a budget and stick to it. And if that doesn't work earn extra money through overtime (job), yardwork, or a second job.

  3. set aside 10% of your salary and put it in a bank account

  4. I pay myself out of my paycheck (right to savings) first then I pay my bills.

    I cut back on excessive eating out, I eat healthier, look for inexpensive cheap/free entertainment, I've cut out the little extras in my daily no Starbucks unless I have a cpn/giftcard for it.

    I bargain shop and lower the air conditioner temp.

    I use coupons to grocery shop and use the Entertainment book.

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