
Name something you can live without?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Y!A

  2. OooOoh ermmm Playaaaaaaaaaaz! hehe

  3. i dunno but u guys can live without Bob Woolmer

  4. tv and computer.

  5. Fat heads

  6. Idiots !

  7. My son.

  8. To be honest nothing. I want to live with everything. But if I had to answer I'd say your question.


  9. racism

  10. w/salaam


    My family



    the internet and tv..idk what i would do without them

  11. You know that saying 'the best things in life are free' It holds a truth.I can go without my diamonds & pearls.

  12. Pakistan !

  13. hate

  14. flies

  15. stupid people

  16. everythin

  17. s*x

  18. cable tv

  19. Mosques

  20. The abomination known as pop culture.  Also Y/A.

  21. socialist dreamers& the belief in a belief

  22. I thing you remember my answer....

    Ok new one........I can live without Y!A.....can't say how har it would be!

  23. hairspray.

  24. War.

  25. When forced to, you can do without a lot of things...Just because you have to deal with it. I am now in a sudden situation where I have no tv, radio, microwave, oven, furniture (except a mattress on which I sleep and sit to read) and I have the bare minimum of clothes...And after a while you just get acclimated to it, Alhamdulillah!I have my wonderful husband, my health and a good family who are supporting me...All praise is due to Allah, the Almighty and Merciful...All that matters is your deen,health and loved ones; all the rest is dust and air.

  26. Bum-s*x..........

    Oooooh,  look,  at least 2 people who cant do without Bum-s*x "Apparently".

  27. no offense but the 1st thing that came to mind. was your questions :P

  28. T.V.


  29. Tea, It's gross

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