
Name that Spider. Not a Black Widow.

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I went out to check my mail, and as I was coming back inside I saw a spider near the door, now I am terrified of spiders, so I backed up to see if it would go away on its own, it did not so I ended up using the back door. But here is a description of it.

Black head, smaller then the butt, a red butt both were shiny. The butt had a black hour glass on it.

It was definitely not a black widow, because it was on top of the butt not below.

I live in North Carolina, and well I am terrified of these annoying eight legged creatures, I want to know what it is so I can calm down. Thanks.




  1. it sound like a redback but im pretty sure we only get them in austalia....if so, they are very poisonous!!

  2. Are you sure the butt had a black hour glass on it? It isn't a Redback like the Aussie said above. Those are found in Australia, and are venomous. The Red-backed Jumping Spider is found in Western North America, and can bite, but isn't venomous.

    I know of the Red-backed Jumping Spider (Phidippus johnsoni )

    The spiders are black with a red butt (abdomen). The female of the species has a black marking on its red abdomen.

    Contrary to what these others are saying, the Redback is indigenous to Australia. Also, it is all black, with a red marking. You described it as a black spider with a red abdomen with a black marking, and I'm guessing you don't live in Australia, so it wouldn't be the venomous Redback.

  3. Your description sounds close to a fiddle back spider

  4. It sounds like the redback spider

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