This is in the backdrop of recent Bombay High Court Ruling in which they declared the Residential colonies existing EVEN for the last 30 yrs and more on "Forest Land" as ILLEGAL.
How the System Function.
1) A Builder approaches the State Govt. Agency i.e. The BMC for developing a Land which cannot be lawfully developed.
2) The State i.e. BMC gives permission for Development.
3) The Development/Constructions takes place,, People buy Properties and pay Municipal Taxes.
4) The State i.e. BMC approaches the Court to declare the Constructions as ILLEGAL.
5) The Court in the name of upholding the Rule of Law and not taking the State i.e. BMC to task, declare the Constructions as ILLEGAL.
6) The State ensures People not to Worry and they will Protect them from Court's Order.
A Word Of Caution/Advice!!
Pls approach Bombay High Court and get Certification before buying any Property in the State of Maharashtra.