
Name the advantage and one disadvantage of being self-employed?

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Name the advantage and one disadvantage of being self-employed?




  1. Advantage is you are your own boss.  You set your hours.  You set the days you work.  You can work from home or buy or lease space to work in.  You get ultimate 100% control over what customers you accept and what you don't.

    Disadvantages:  You do not have a steady paycheck.  It's harder to get credit because you don't have a steady paycheck.  You are hit HARD on taxes because you are self-employed.  If you hire employees, you are a mother/father and a boss.  And you have to pay their payroll taxes.  Unless you are married to someone, you have to pay a LOT for health insurance.  

    All in all, I'd take being self-employed like I have been for 18 years over working for someone else.  It's a lot more hours, a lot more stress, but worth it to me.

  2. You can work from home and you work from home.

  3. just one of each?  :)

    advantage: you do what you want, when you want

    disadvantage:  health insurance privately costs an arm and 3 legs

  4. Advantage: you're your own boss.

    Disadvantage: income isn't guaranteed and you have to work for it, not just put in hours.

  5. being self-employed .you can set the hours that you want to work. you do not have a boss telling you that how to do your job. if you need to take a day off you can .that is a few of the good things .

    lot of the time you work harder for your self  than in a job because if you do not get the business no one else will and then you have no income to pay the bills with .if something is done wrong you get to fix it for free. in order to keep your customer happy .

    the best thing is if you can do it is to work a regular job as you build your self-employed business.

    now if you re talking bout being a sub-contractor that is another store all together. you get everything now with out taxes being taken out but at the end of the year you will have to file a different kind of form normally a 1099 and pay your taxes then if you do not have proper deductions to cover the amount of income you got

    filled out by mdntfever at

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