
Name the board game...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm making a board game and I need a name for it. Clever and catchy please~! thanks!

It's about winning a "presidency" by winning the most votes in each states.




  1. How about "All or Nothing"?

  2. You could make a joke out of it and call it "Hanging Chad"...i.e., making light of what happened in Florida a few years ago!

  3. "Got Votes?"

    "Winner Takes All"

    "Your World or Mine"

    "what'cha Got?"

    this is all i could think of....good luck with your game. i hope its a huge success for you.

  4. Electoral Monopoly

    Diebold Roulette

    America For Sale

    Risk: Iraq Edition

    Liar's Poker

    Hey! That's My Pork!

  5. Voters Count

    Road to the White House

  6. The Race

    White house or wipe out

    Vote for me please

    Scary Primary

    The road to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

  7. "MAKING A STATEment"

    "State of Mind"

    "Altered States"

    Prez on the Run"

    "Who's on First?"

    "Primary Colours"

    "Voting Run"

    "Ballot Mallet"

    "Float the Vote"

    "Prez Says ..."

    "The Race is On!"

  8. The Campaign Trail

    Hail To The Chief

    Political Parade

    Thank you, Mr. (or Ms.) President

  9. Be simple call it "Mr. President"

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