
Name the first man & woman born in the world?

by Guest21471  |  earlier

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Name the first man & woman born in the world?




  1. dare & devil

  2. Mr. Sat Bhushan was the first person born in the world.

    Please go to some history search on google. best of luck !!

  3. You might think Adam and Eve, but they weren't born. They were created from dust and bone. Therefore, their children, Cain and Abel, were the first people born. Not sure about the first woman. Need to look that up in the Bible.

  4. Technically, Adam and Eve were created, not born, so the first man born would have been Cain, Adam & Eve's first son.  I don't think the Bible says who the first woman born was, but obviously she would've been rather closely related to Cain, which would make the second marriage (Adam & Eve being the first) rather incestuous by today's standards.  Either that didn't pose the genetic problems (never mind the legal and moral problems) that early in history that it would/does today, or "Adam" and "Eve" are metaphors for "mankind" and "womankind" respectively, in which case while consanguinity is no longer a problem, we also no longer know the names of either the first born male or first born female.

  5. according to my knowledge it is adam and eve.

  6. According to our religion it is Adam & hawwa.and it is true that mention in the holy quran by our almighty allah........

  7. Adam and Eve.

    They just weren't born in the same way WE were born.  =P

  8. They were extremely primitive, and hadn't yet evolved the ability to have a spoken language, therefore they had no names.

  9. I wasnt alive then...don't know.

    When i read this question i thot it wud be Adam and Eve.

    But y these answers have been given Thumbs down???

  10. adam and eve

  11. Adam and Eve. and don't give me that primitive c**p. read the bible.

  12. mail -is sky , femail -is earth

  13. uhh .. i think that it's adam and eve but people do have a point when they say that adam and eve were created and not born...

  14. But who did Cain marry?

  15. As per the theory of evolution.......................

         -Mr. Homo sapien &

         -Miss. Homo sapien

  16. according to Hindu mythology brahmadev created "manu'and then when he decided to give him company to have his own race he created "manavi". Similar reference is seen in Bible and Koran where they are termed as Adam "and'"Eve".

  17. i think it was cain and able. adam and eve's children. but they were both boys. idk who the first were. i guess adam and eve had to technically be born. so maybe they were the first.

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