
Name the first two metals used by man?

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Name the first two metals used by man?




  1. The first metals known to man were gold, silver, and copper. They are widespread over the earth in pure form and often very near the surface. Gold and Silver were used for decorations, but are not hard enough to make tools. Copper is hard enough for some tools but still quite soft. Eventually man learned to melt and mix copper with tin to make bronze, which is a much harder metal than pure copper, and thus much better for weapons and armor. That event marks the end of the Stone Age and the beginning of the Bronze Age.

    The Iron Age began when man learned how to make very hot furnaces, hot enough to forge iron out of iron ore. Iron does not occur on earth naturally as a metal (except in meteors), it is always in the form of iron ore, which is why it took so long for people to recognize it as a metal. The ore had to be heated very hot, until it was soft, then the impurities had to be beaten out of it, since they could not make fires hot enough to melt it. But the superior strength and hardness of iron made it worth all the hard work. The Hittites of Asia Minor were the first iron workers, and managed to conquer quite a bit of the Middle East.

  2. Copper and Gold.

    Uncommon, but found in metallic state in nature.

  3. This depends on which "man."  In Europe, the first metals were copper, followed by gold, actually.  Copper was used to make a few tools, while gold was used for ornaments.  But in the Americas, gold was used for ornaments for quite awhile before other metals were used.  In Africa, there essentially wasn't any copper south of the Sahara, so gold was used first in small amounts, followed much later by iron.  In Asia it was gold and copper.  In Asia and Europe copper was soon mixed with tin to make bronze.  Iron came much later.

  4. "Glam" and "British Heavy"


  5. copper and tin

  6. bronze and iron? not sure though...

    oh! I was wrong according to this source:

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