
Name the top three achievements of the UN since its inception, and the last concrete achievement of the UN?

by Guest32946  |  earlier

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Name the top three achievements of the UN since its inception, and the last concrete achievement of the UN?




  1. None.

  2. 1. Waste the money of U.S. tax payers.

    2.Slow down the process of aid to people in need.

    3.Made poor girls into s*x slaves in war torn country's

    All of these are ongoing so it's hard to say which one was last..

  3. I'll give you one better!

    A future achievement, they will destroy false religion soon. The Harlot that rides the Beast. Raping her of her purple clothing and jewels (her position).

  4. know one can answer this its a trick question. everyone knows the UN dont do anything

  5. You have to give me time to think about that one. Everything that I could think about the UN now is not good.

  6. mediation,feed the poor,and help during disasters.

  7. What achievement?

    Look in the real world.

    Having more than 200 members?

    Getting from bad to worse?

    What went wrong out there?

    With the mess in  -




    Social living?

    Climate changes?

    With self lack of knowledge?

    In fancy monkey suits?

    With self prides?

    In moving backwards in time?

    Without being aware of it?

    In climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life?

    In "Planet of Apes"

    Cheering themselves " Hip hip hooray" ?

    With " My way"

    While little children crying " Where is the love - Mama" ?

    John 7.19

    What do you think?

  8. Unfortunately, I find it difficult to find any.

  9. corrupt, greedy and weak. hope this helps

  10. I can tell you that they voted against the US invading Iraq because the facts were there, no WMD.

  11. Is this a joke?

    UN is a factory producing laws that nobody respects and extremely overpaid politicians. And is paying 'peace-keeping-force' for doing nothing.

    Time to close it down for non-profitability.


  12. Establishment of the International Criminal Court to prosecute war crimes

    Peacekeeping activities  - Cambodia, East Timor are two recent examples

    Formation of alliances and co-ordinated actions where invasions have taken place - as in Korea, Kuwait.

    Recent concrete achievement - arrest of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, who is charged with war crimes this week and will go before the ICC

  13. jack s Buy more ammo, the US hasn't paid her dues since Reagan. So the UN hasn't wasted our money.

  14. We have not had a nuclear war for over 60 years. That's good enough for me

  15. 1.  Waste American tax money

    2.  Perpetuate lawlessness under the guise of diplomatic immunity.

    3.  Encourage and defend dictators

  16. Whenever people think of the UN. They think of the General Assembly and the Security Council. This has worked badly due to the selfishness and corruption of some members.

    However, the never think of the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNESCO etc.

    The 3 greatest achievements are:

    1.Eradication of small pox - (WHO)

    2. UNICEF - help to world children - but not enough!

    3. The International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands, has secured the imprisonment of many convicted of war crimes .

    and possibly preservation of major World Heritage sites by (UNESCO).

  17. Mediation, feed the poor, and help during disasters.

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