
Name three french kings?

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Name three french kings?




  1. Napolean Bonerpart



  2. Napoleon Bonaparte

    Louis XII

    Henri I

  3. Philip..Louis..Henry

  4. Louis XIV  (1643 - 1715)

    Francis I (1515 - 1547 )

    Charles VIII (1483 - 1498)

  5. BEC, you are dead wrong. Do some research, please.

    Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI were NOT grandfather, father and son. Louis XIV was the great-grandfather of Louis XV and Louis XV was the grandfather of Louis XVI. Therefore Louis XIV was Louis XVI's great-great-great-grandfather. You were WAY off.

    Louis XIV (1638-1715), father of

    Louis, Dauphin of France (1661-1711), father of

    Louis, Dauphin of France and Duke of Burgundy (1682-1712), father of

    Louis XV (1710-1774), father of

    Louis, Dauphin of France (1729-1765), father of

    Louis XVI (1754-1793)

    I knew the names but followed the links back from the following page for the dates of the fathers:

    Also, all of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette's children did not die in the revolution. Only one died during the revolution and that was the titular King Louis XVII. A daughter, Marie Thérèse Charlotte, married her cousin who was Louis XIX for 20 minutes. Therefore she was Queen of France, like her mother.

  6. Louis X, Philip V, Charles IV ( :

    hope that helps with whatever .

    hehee !

  7. Louis XIV,Louis XV, and Louis XVI are three kings who happened to be grandfather,father and son.Louis XIV is the famous "roi soleil",the sun king.His son Louis XV had a famous mistress,Madame du Pompadour and a known disdain for his heir,his son Louis XVI.He did not think his son would make a good king;unfortunately he was right.Louis XVI,his wife Marie-Antoinette and their children all died during the French Revolution, a revolt caused by the monarch and aristocracy's not paying attention to the needs of the people.

  8. wewe.. madmuasel... but the real ones.. are me.. me.. me.. who should know?

  9. John, George and Ringo

  10. Louis I (Clovis), Louis II, Louis III, . . . .

  11. Peter, Greg and Bobby

  12. Louis XII, Louis XIII, and Louis XIV.

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