
Name two species which can see behind without turning thier head

by Guest63904  |  earlier

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Name two species which can see behind without turning thier head




  1. Many ungulates (hoofed mammals) can see nearly all the way behind them due to the position of the eyes on the sides of the head. This is an evolutionary adaptation to being the prey of many predators - you have more chance of escaping being something's dinner if you can see it creeping up behind you. Horses, deer, antelope and so on all fit into this category.

    Chameleons and seahorses are able to move each of their eyes independently - they can swivel their eyes so that they point directly backwards, and thus see behind them without turning their heads.

  2. Chameleons and crabs (sorry I don't have specific species of crab, but any that have eye stalks.)

  3. owl & butterfly

  4. horse and rabbit

  5. its

    rabbit and


  6. chameleon and owl.................

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