
Name very hockey regulars you can remeber without looking anything up?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this a question a few months ago and I want to compare my answers so we can all see what these questions have done for us.

(All regulars must still be contributing)




  1. what Homes said....

  2. do you mean "every"? lol well here goes:

    Homes, Kate, McPetza (you), Howler, Joe B, Kimmy, Teal Town USA, Tuna somebody-or-other (what's the rest of his name??), Noah, Candy, cme

    darn I know there are a lot more but I can't think...

    I could name some others like ι ♥ goиcнαя, State of Hockey Baby!, Ryan, etc...but they obviously left

  3. That guy who used to dance in the stands at the old Buffalo Aud

  4. I have Evil Monkey as a ball marker!

    Singh, what's mehndi?

  5. Homes wins

  6. LITY, NIPS, Homes, CME, Candy, 288, Habsfan, Heavysoviet, I <3 Gonchar, I <3 Osgood, Kate, Awesome Bill, Jenni, Chris, Petza, Jay, Bill, Sarah, Puckdat, Joe B, Howler, Noah, Tuna, Tealtown

    Others will come to me later, plus its kinda hard to type when you got mehndi on your hand.

    Mehndi is like that Indian stuff they put on your hands. Usually on a special occasion but people do it for fun too.

    This is it when it`s wet. It will dry up after a while and when you take it off the colours will vary from red to orange (depending on how long you kept it on). It usually stays for about 2 weeks. And no, mine is not that nicely done, but it`s still pretty good.

  7. !, #1 Redwings Fan, |Flames|Fan|, “you”, <3 Basketball & Sidney, 1528, 23every, 2eighty8, 368dra, Aaron, Adam Chambers, akoz111, Amber, Amdd (AKA Freckles), Amy B, Andrew, Andrew G, Andrew V, Angie The Judicious Stalkwoman, Angie with the Leafs, Ashley B, Austin M, auntie gladys, Awesome Bill, Babywart, baseballboy6720, Beer Slayer, Bewerefan, BG warrior, Big_Pushy, Bigbadbob, Bill, Bill W, Blackhawkdowney, blue rock, Blues Fan 1022, Bob, Bob Loblaw, Bobybruce, BOOM, boozerloser82, Bourgoise, Bri, Bryan, bryanah33, buffalowing19, calgosea, Canadian Biology Man, Candy, Canes Girl, Captain Clutch, Caroline, Cassie, Catherine Earnshaw, Cats House, CD,cdn24fan, Chad, Chelsea, Chenisvon, Chris, Chris M, clint j, cluckymouthy, cme , Copas, Countpetez, Crazy, crouton74, CuBBiES FaN 4 LiFE, cubswinwsin08, Cuchis!, Cyrenaica, D D, Dan D, Darren, Dave, Dave Proud Flyer Fan, David D, Davin, Dazzle, DC Fury, Derek G, Dewman, DJG INC, Doctorhockey, Doug, Drizzle, Duffman, Duxfanforlife92, DX, DY, EDGE, Elly & Pao, emiller1998, Erica, F.Michael, farmer, Flames Fan, fleury292001, Forever5, Garrett, Gimaakwe, Go Flames Go, Go Habs Go, Go Sens Go, Goalie Girl, Grean toasters, Green, Greg , Grick, HABITANT, Hardcore Hab &, HabsFan-in LoneStarSt8, Hawkeyfan, hockeynut, Hcky4lifegal, Heave Soviet, Hockey Lover, Hockey_gal, Hockeynut,  Hockeyville, Howler, Hurricane Manda, Iceman, iamastrawberry, I ♥ goиcнαя, I ♥ Osgood, I BLEED NY, I Pee in Ottawas Face, Imaleafsfan, i_am_truly, Ian, Irisheyes, Isabella, J R, J.O. Blaze, Jacob , Jacoby, James M, Jason (Flames & Metallica), Jay K, Jeff P, jeffwar03, Jenna, Jennay, Jenni, jimmyl929, Joe, Joe B, jojalu3, Jude, Julie Loves the Red Wings, Kate, Katie, Kimberly, Kimmy, Kisconap, Kitty Kay, Komisarek is da man, Kurfadle, Ky <3, Lahockeyg, Laying Low, leaf fan2002, Leafsfan, LITY  , Liz jay, Lizzie, Lotusice, Lubers25, Lwerner, Major Tom, Markredwing, McPetza, Meg, Meg, Mel, MH331, Michael, Michelle, Mike (avs), , Mikea_, Milan  K, Mindy, Miss Alyssa, Moose, Morgan, Morgan M, Mothalo, Mousechicks, Mr. Taco, Mr. TNA, Mr.Petza, Mrs. Crosby, Mtndrums, My other car is a Zamboni , Nappyjim, Nichole, nick k, NIPS, njd554, Njdevil, No Se, No_Dirt, Noah > U, Nobs, Noname, None Profound, NY Yankee, nypengwings is the Green Lantern, orcelina, Oviefan8, Pat, Patrick, Paul O, Plain Ol Jeff, Playboy Perry, Poptarts, Predsnfig, PuckDat, Puppynap, R Z#7, rac531, real hockey, Red Pepper Goddess, ReD wInGs FaN , Red Wings Queen19, red_e_Freddie, redflite, RedWindDIEHARD, Ricocheted off the post, Robert, Robert, Robyn, rockinred622, Ron L, Ronnie Gardocki, Ryan, Ryan R, S P, Salty, san, Sandi miller, Sarah FTW, Schism, Scott D, SensFan, SENSor, Sharks_girl09, SharksBaby, Shock's in the Mud, sjr2008, sjsharks, SlapShot, Snoop, Snoophawk Downey, SPACEBOY, Sparkman, Sportsanimal, spud, SS98, Sshueman, Stagerodent, Stefan, sushi_squad, Sweety Singh, Taco girl, TB, TBL, TDK, Teej, Tfoley, The Blade Runner, the guy behind the guy, The Man, thrash_017, TML ♥'er, TMLeaf Fan , TOM, Tomc8, Tomjc43, Tony’s baygirl, TopSpin, Toronto Maple Leaf (Sundin), trombass08, truecanucker, Tuna Spearer, U hav 32, U-TML, Vik, Vince, Vinny, Weenz, Whoahh Yehaa, Wings Fan, Wings Fan!, Xingfiter, Yellow Pepper Goddess. Yinzer Power, You could say like Boston, You with the face, Z*, Zamdriver, Zapcity, Zther

    Really, I am too old to have that good of a memory.

  8. i think i'm a new hockey regular

  9. joe, j.o., jason (metallica fan - best band EVER, btw), nipsy, howler, homes, kate, cme, jay k, beerslayer, sensor, korn, tuna......i'm trying to remember the avatars......those are the ones off the top of my head, but i'm hungover....i could probably think of more if my head didn't hurt so bad.

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