
Name your Venus sign and how do it affect your love life?

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I have a Venus in Scorpio and I never had a girlfriend in my whole life. Whne I see a girl that I find attractive, she is always on my mind. Sometimes I think about her so much, it affects my ability to do things. I sometimes get jealous if she has other connections with people. The way I deal with it is, pnce I find out she is not interested in me, I will try to get another girlfriend.

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  1. My venus is such a big thing lol.... i have it on cancer... i really love creating a nurturing atmosphere and protecting my lover from everything... i'm very sensible and i cry when something bad happens... the only times i cry got to say it and i really don't understand it.... but yeah i'm pretty much when i love someone, then with my libra moon... i don't allow my lover to go away from me more than 5 meters lol jk!

  2. My Venus is also in Scorpio in the 12th house. I never had a boyfriend... well maybe once but he begged me and my friend kinda answer him for me. It didn't even last 24 hours... so that didn't really count. I didn't want to date him because he's a player... 1 year later I found out that he also dated my best friend while he was 'going out' with me.

    With Venus in Scorpio and in the 12th house makes it hard for me to trust people, even if I do, its not 100%. I also tend to keep things to myself a lot, and I get jealous easily.

  3. As usual RachStar stated my exact answer---that is me to a T but I am a Sadge with a Gemini rising (woo hoo finally know my rising for sure) so foreigners appeal to me big time!!  I don't exclude anybody due to their ethnicity - they just have to be very cute and very smart --rofl :-) oh and athletic;-)

    Ummm...that being said,  my venus is in Scorpio so I start off light and unattached and completely not jealous (Sadge w/ Leo Moon and Gemini rising) but as the relationship deepens so does the commitment.  I am able to commit and once I love you it is sooooo deep!!  There has only been one person who I loved that I no longer love otherwise the "norm" is once I love you it is for life- unconditionally!!!

    I flip back and forth (once in love) between giving the person complete freedom and being completely not possessive to wanting them to call me a lot and getting jealous if they treat anyone the same or better than they treat me.  I want to be very close to the person without either of us feeling clung to!!  

    One sec I want them to go lots of places and tell me all about it when they get back home and then the next sec I am sad that they don't bring me with them wherever they go;-)  Jeeze Louise what a contradiction;-)))rofl

    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Rising sign: Gemini

    Venus: Scorpio

  4. I have Venus in Scorpio too and your description sounds very similar to me.  Except, it's not till lately that I haven't been having any relationships.  Before the biggest heart-break of my life (ex-husband), I never had problems having a boyfriend. In fact I was always dating somebody.  When in love, I tend to be obsessive, jealous and possessive.  Not exactly lovable qualities.  I find that I've scared some people away because I might have been too intense for them.  In relationships, I seek for a true and deep connection that will make me feel secure.  I demand absolute loyalty and respect and I give the same in return x 10.

  5. My Venus is in Libra and balance is important for me in a love relationship (or any kinds of relationships for that matters). Contrary to the popular opinion about Libra (sweet, flowery, sugary...), I think love is a verb; sweet nothings are not enough (although of course desirable) but it also requires practical work. It's about give and take.

    When I first meet someone I desire not only to learn about his strengths but also his weaknesses. Yes, even before we enter a relationship. Then I can decide whether I can still put up with his minuses to fully enjoy his pluses. That's why I'm very careful about people.

    Oh, and I also respect a partner who maintains his appearance. He doesn't have to be perfect but he must take care of himself properly. Some quirks here and there are appreciated. Balance, balance, balance. =)

    My current partner has his Venus in Pisces and astrology says that he likes INequality. Someone has to play the martyr once in a while. lol.

  6. dont bother with it coz the onli love u will eva get will b with some1 of the same gender

  7. I have Venus in Scorp. I am suspicious and find it hard to trust anyone. I also suspect the people I'm around and assume the worst about them. The bright side is that when I assume the worst, I feel better when I get to know them.

    I'm also a ambivert. I'm extroverted in the way that I can easily communicate with others, but I am an introverted in the way that I constantly want to be alone with my own thoughts. I want to be around family when I'm alone and alone when I'm around others. It's a conundrum.

    I don't really care about relationships outside of my family. Besides them, I like my privacy and my alone time. If I'm around people too much they annoy me. Could just be me, though.

    Libra sun

    Scorp Venus

  8. I'm a Venus in Sag, but Sun in Scorpio. Which is kind of confusing at times, because as a Scorpio I can be a bit obsessive in love and have many traits of a Venus in Scorpio, But I have all the qualities of The Venus in Sag, like the need for freedom or space, Don't commit as easily as others. And I have a tendacy to break out when the going gets tough in a relationship.

  9. I've got Venus in Scorpio too. However, I had 3 boyfriends. Yes, what you just described is soo true for me. I get obsessed and stuff, I can't think straight. I'm also very cautious before starting a relationship. I never admit to anything except when I see that me and the guy have a chance. I can also get possessive and jealous. I can get paranoid and can be very suspiscious of the guy's connections. I am very loyal and when I feel for the person, I feel it strongly. I can alternate between love/ hate cycle in a lovelife. When I hate someone, it's so intense that he/ she doesn't exist to me anymore. It affects me bigtime because I feel all these intense emotions and all I can think about is the person.

  10. My Venus is in Gemini and is in my 8th house.And unlike most Venus in geminis i want a serious commited relationship!I do over analyze everythign including the feeligns someone says they have for me,thats very true.But i want somethign passionant and deep  and longterm,i hate for my time to be waisted,I also seriously disliek being lead on.I always find away to get my lovers back when they lead me on,lie,or cheat on me.One of them cheated on me they didnt know i knew we were takign a nap together when he fell a sleep i put bengay on his balls!:P...The other one I took pink spray paint to his white cadi and wrote g*y pride all over it and also one of my guys cousins took it opon himself to pee in his car sense the dumb *** left his window down lmao.

    Im a

    Scorpio ascendant with Lilith,Juno,along with Pluto in scorpio conjuncting my ascendant

    Sun in cancer

    Moon in aries

    Mercury in Leo

    Venus in Gemini

    Mars in taurus

  11. I have Venus in Scorpio also and I never had a bf in my whole life as well. Sometimes I want to have one but there are times that I don't want one. As of now I don't think I need one. I'm looking for a genuine relationship w/ someone that'll last longer. I've never loved anyone, but  I've liked someone so deeply tho but if I can never get that person then I give up fast.  So when I fall for someone then I fall hard, I guess I get attached to ppl easily. :/

  12. My Venus is in Sagittarius. I need to be friends first, and don't like getting too close to people very quickly. It takes me a long time to get interested, but when I do have that connection, I feel it strongly. I also find myself surrounded by foreign friends, and I tend to date foreigners.

  13. Yeah my venus is in Pisces.  I am always trying to please someone I love and I will go out of my way for them.  I tend to their needs more than my own most of the time.  It goes for my man or my family.

  14. Venus in Libra and like my sun sign i can easily become infatuated with someone but always play hard to get. I fall in love almost daily though i get bored easily and don't really get emotionally attached. Guess i enjoy the thrill of the chase and the process of seduction more than the actual relationship.

  15. My venus is in libra, perfect sign for the perfect planet. But as for the love life I have more fun exploring it, good friend but I'm easy to charm & give love.

  16. jgfvjjhg,

    deeply yes

  17. my Venus is in Sagittarius

    I regard my freedom and and independence above all else

  18. I have Venus/Aquarius....according to your link it is right on the money!

    I am attracted to unusual relationships in the sense of not your humdrum everyday type...I would prefer a relationship where I could also enjoy my freedom (of space, time to myself, time with my friends,...) and would be happy to allow my partner the same freedom! Individuality is important to me and I have always felt that when two people spend too much time together it hinders the relationship rather than make it stronger!

    I prefer lovers to be up front and honest...with my sun in Sagittarius I am also up front and direct....combined with Venus/Aquarius I think I just expect others to be honest!

    Sag/Sun I am freedom loving and do need my space as well as in mu Venus/Aquarius...double wammy there! lol . If I feel I'm being smothered or held back from life by my mate or even friends I am quick to let them go....Again, a double wammy...but I think my moon in Scorpio helps me to be more sensitive about these types of situations and I am nice about a break up - it doesn't necessarily mean I don't like you, it's just not working for

    With Aqua./Venus, I hate limits and others rules don't work for me but I am quick to make up rules of my own-soooo true! lol .

    Combine that with Sun/Sag, freedom loving - fences were meant to be

    Sun/Sag Venus/Aquarius Moon/Scorpio

  19. Venus in Scorpio is known for being obssessive. Maybe you scare them with your intensity? Just be pleasant and friendly. I know a Venus in Scorpio guy who is very flirty and cute but he scares me with some of his strong opinions. He's also a sun Scorpio. I have Venus in Aquarius. We're supposed to be into unusual relationships, and I don't find that to be true, but I do need a relationship that gives me a lot of freedom. Probably why I have been married more than once and my longest relationship is 8 years with a boyfriend I don't live with.


    My Venus is in Leo.  I am very romantic and I do lavish my partner with gifts and parties just like the link say.  Infact, the link is right on.  I have been called "Lioness" by a couple guys at work because they say I act like one.  Though I have no fire signs in my core three(sun moon rising), for some reason the Leo does come out strongly.  Maybe it's because I have two planets in Leo.  I am rather proud at times, but not always.  And I am attracted to men in power positions.  My current partner is in one, and I've always been that way.  It's not that I seek them out solely on that, it's just that they and I are naturally attracted to each other.  I'm usually attracted to men with Leo strong in their charts as well, along with water signs.  Interesting.  

    Thanks for the question.  Made me look into things some more.

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