
Name your top 5 areas of adoption that need reform?

by Guest31792  |  earlier

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  1. Adoption Reform Ideas -

    1) Outlaw all solicitation for babies. (We don't solicit living people for their kidneys and we shouldn't solicit living people for their sons and daughters, either.)

    2) Give families time after a child is born to discuss things.

    4) Both mother and father (if one is recognized by the court) must sign.

    6) Do not change information on the birth certificate or seal it. Every human being has a right to know who they really are.

    (Pregnant and new Moms should already be covered by the state for any absolutely necessary expenses, so there is no need for "down-payments" on babies.)

    This would help protect prospective adopters, natural family members and it would protect the child's right to her natural family.

  2. The part where the child is separated from its mother and its mind is permanently damaged by the severing of contact long before it's able to understand it's not part of its mother and has acquired any sense of self. That's the only part that need fixing.

  3. No secret documents...copies of everything to all parties.

    No money should change hands maternity expenses, no placement fees, no tax credits, nothing.

    Education/counseling for everyone involved, and public awareness wouldn´t hurt either.

  4. 1.  A child to have access to its biological history without question.

    2.  Location of biological parents always to be known and kept in some kind of central system so child does not have to do a scavengar hunt.

    3. Counseling required for all parties involved.

    4. Required mental health exams for adoptive parents.  

    5.  I agree with the post above where Social Workers need to be trained, certified, credited, or whatever it needs to be done to where they know the child will be placed in a good home.

  5. I have to go, but will add more later.  What comes to mind right away--

    1) Open records, no conditions, compromises.

    2) Special licensing for adoption SWs.  If a person who gives you a manicure or cuts your hair has to be regulated, shouldn't a person who makes MAJOR life decisions for children's LIVES have to be monitored,  and held to a code of ethics?!

    3)SWs at agencies get paid the same weather or NOT they place a child.

  6. 1. Every person should have their original birth certificate.

    2. PAP'S need to take classes on adoption and what the child will experience and need. They need to know and realize there is a first family and they cannot erase or change that fact. It's a part of that child's heritage.

    3. That foster children are given priority.

    4. Any woman who is considering adoption, be schooled and counseled on the long term effects of that decision. Give her a waiting period after the child is born to see how she feels. If after the waiting period she still feels she wants to relinquish, then that's her choice.

    5. That "open" adoptions be recognized as legal and binding with severe penalities for not following the terms of the agreement. We cannot let the parents place their needs and wants above what is best for the child.

    I heard that in one country, the government has social workers that follow up on the children who've been placed into homes to make sure that all was well. If they suspect that the parents are not treating the child as well as their own children (if they have any), they will intervene. They really look after the welfare of the child. Does anyone know what country this is?

  7. 1) Open records

    2) End pre-birth matching

    3) Get rid of the agencies, there are way too many cooks in the kitchen

    4) More rights for fathers who wish to parent

    5) Make open adoption agreements legally enforcible.

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