
Name your wish............?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the "if you had three wishes what would you wish for" question. Typical rules: can't wish for more wishes... or anything dumb.




  1. 1.  Peace on Earth

    2.  All natural resources replenished

    3.  Clean limitless technology

  2. i wish people would ask serious questions, not lame ones like this.



    aww :( i'm sryy.

  3. I Wish That All The Men And Women Serving In Irac Could Be Home For Christmas.

  4. i cant tell you my wishes....they wont come true =)

  5. 1. i wish i was skinny and never gained anything no matter what i ate

    2. i wish i was super pretty

    3. i wish i was happy for my whole life

  6. I wish that i had all the nukes, then i could rule the world.

  7. 1. Happiness and Good Health (as long as I am alive)

    2. The continued support and love from my family/bf/friends

    3. To always have faith in God, and not let anyone get in between me and my beliefs.

    Thats it. Pretty simple but, I'm a simple gal.

  8. I wish to hold you I wish to go to the military and I wish to have kids with you

  9. 1. pay off all outstanding bills.

    2. get my kids a nice swingset.

    3. have happy family.

  10. 1. I wish to be filthy stinking rich!

    2. I wish my car had a rocket launcher so I could blow up people that drive 20 miles under the speed limit.

    3. I wish for a nice hot bowl of chowdah.

  11. 1) A time machine--One that really works.

    2) To own Abercrombie and Fitch (meaning: having all the clothes) lol.

    3) Meet the Jonas Brothers personally  

  12. hm i like this topic .

    my first wish would be for people not to lose there self - esteem over one thing.

    my second wish would be, hm give money to people who don't have it.

    my thrid wish is for everyone to have an education.

    thats all (:

  13. good bboy

  14. For people to accept homosexuals!

    To have courage!

    And to be beautiful!

  15. 1) To be taller

    2) To have slightly more money

    3) That my chemistry project was done : /

  16. 1. more money than god.

    2. that everyone around me could not tell a lie.

    3. the earth was healthy.

  17. hmm, be a flawless dancer, have a perfect school year, and for no more drama

  18. A cure for all Disease

    End War

    End Hatred

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