
Names (dont you just hate it when) click to read more.

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Dont u just hate it when people on here say: Do you like my childrens names what do you think of them?

and then you honestly say what you think and they give you a thumbs down or report abuse....

if you dont want to know the truth then dont ask!!!!




  1. It's not always the people who ask the questions who actually give you the thumbs down but can be other people answering/reading the question.

    Very rarely do I give someone who is answering my questions a thumbs down, but I do give good answers the thumbs up.

  2. I agree. Our opinions are pointless to them, they are already named and someone across the internet isn't going to change their mind.

    I think Its ok to give constructive criticism but if you are being deliberately rude then there isn't really a need for it.

    Report abuse about it is going to extremes a little.

  3. Yes. It's pointless, if they like it others opinions should not matter.

  4. I'd have to agree with you there.

    I've also found I'm more comfortable giving name suggestions to potential parents rather than having to give an opinion on what they've already called their child.  Why do they even ask? It's not like they can change their child's name (easily) if they've already called them that, and why does it even matter what our opinions are - whats done is done...

    I also see some people say "Don't listen to that person above saying that names horrible ... blah, blah, blah I love it".  What happened to opinions?  This would be a really boring place if everyone gushed over everyones favourite names rather than stated that they disliked some ot them.

  5. lol. It happens! I agree though.

  6. idiots...

  7. I dont think this is really a question! LOL, But best of luck with an answer :??????????????????!!!

    I like the name Malachai and i dont care what ne one says!! ehehe

  8. oh yee same here i agree

  9. Well some people can't give their opinion without being rude. It's one thing to say "It's not my taste" or "I dislike it"  it's another to say "You're a horrible person why would you name your baby that" or "Your baby is gonna be teased cuz you suck at names"  People like that deserve the thumbs down.

  10. LOL

    People are strange

    I think most of them want us to lie and agree with all they say


  11. haha totally agree its just a freakin opinion

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