
Names for a new white (albino) mare?

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I'm getting a new white mare, and yes a true white. Here are the list of names I came up of so far:

Thats the Milky Way

Rosie's Rampage

Worth More Than A Penny

Jazz' Jams

Boo You're Scared

Tally Ho

Peggy Sue

Sun Dance

Raspberry Delight

Janga's Jungle

Strawberry Shortcake

Tinkerbell's Magic

My Lucky Clover

Dinah's Delight

Princess Buttercup

Momba's Moves

Shamrock's Luck

1. Which sounds most like a horse that would jump

2. Which sounds most like a horse that would want kids to ride

3. Which sounds most like a horse that would barrel race

4. Which sounds most like a showname

5. What are your top five names

6. What are you bottom five names

7. Any other ideas for names

Answering all of these will get you a best answer




  1. Cut The Cuteness

    For jumpers....: Mexican Jumping Bean

  2. fantasma (it means ghost in spanish) for two reasons one she is white and two true whites are like ghosts they are only ever seen by few.

  3. I have a double registered Walking HOrse, Albino. I named him Casper the day he was born. He has blue eyes, pink skin, and his fur is solid white. He stands 18+ hands tall. And because he is a registered Albino, he has no dark spots on his body any where.

  4. 1. My Lucky Clover

    2. Dinah's Delight

    3. Shamrock's Luck

    4. Worth More Than A Penny

    5.  Shamrock's Luck

         My Lucky Clover

         Sun Dance

         Dinah's Delight

         Thats the Milky Way

    6. Jazz' Jams

        Boo You're Scared

        Tally Ho

        Princess Buttercup

        Janga's Jungle

    7. Intoxicating Image

        Simply Majestic

        Picture Perfect

    Let me know what you name her & good luck :)

  5. Jumper-1. Tinkerbell's magic

    Kids-2. Tinkerbell's magic

    Barrel-3. Shamrock's luck (I'm a barrel racer)

    Showname-4. Peggy sue

    top five-5. Tinkerbell's magic, Shamrock's luck, Peggy sue, Rosie's rampage, Dinah'e Delight

    Bottom five-6. Tally ho, Boo you scared me (if you compeating on this horse...they don't sound like a threat), Thats the milky way (it don't realy sound like a name), Strawberry Shortcake, and Raspberry Delight (dosen't sound like a white horse's names)

    Other-7. My lucky Delight (I noticed you used luck and delight more than once in your names)

    Hope I helped...good luck with a name:)

  6. 1. Tinkerbell's Magic

    2. Raspeberry Delight/Dinah's Delight

    3. Rosie's Rampage

    4. That's the Milky Way

    5. That's the Milky Way, Tinkerbell's Magic, Janga's Jungle, Jazz' Jams, Worth More

    6. Peggy Sue, My Lucky Clover, Princess Buttercup, Shamrock's Luck, Momba's Moves

    7. Alabaster Fair, White Lady, A Little Bit Of Pixie Dust, Powder Puff, Satin 'n Lace...

  7. Sun Dance answers the first 4 questions for me!

    Top 5 names:

    Sun Dance

    Tally Ho

    Princess Buttercup

    Jazz' Jams

    Rosie's Rampage

    Bottom 5 names:

    Momba's Moves

    Dinah's Delight

    Janga's Jungle

    Worth More Than A Penny

    Shamrock's Luck

    Best Of Luck!

    Hope I helped You in some Way!

  8. There are two genes that lead to true white horses.  

    One is from the frame gene.  This is the one that in double doses causes OLWS (overo lethal  white syndrome)  Virtually all of these horses are born without the last section of the large intestine and can not defecate.  They die within a short while after birth.  However a few are born viable and survive.   In single doses the frame gene causes a paint pattern in which a white patch is surrounded by color (thus "framed").  This pattern appears in the heterozygotic individuals (one gene for frame and one without).  If you cross two horses with a frame gene then 25% will not have frame, 50% will be horses exhibiting the frame pattern and 25% will be born white with OLWS.

    The other is found in the albino horse registry (though they also accept those with OWLS that do survive as well as cremellos, perlinos, and smoky cremes).  Anyway the white gene is a gene that in double doses it too causes the LWS (lethal white syndrome).  I am not sure what these foals die of but I if I remember they ALWAYS die within a short time after being born.  However those with single doses are born a true white.

  9. 1. Momba's Moves

    2. Strawberry Shortcake

    3. My lucky clover (clover leaf barrels ha okay)

    4. Worth more than a penny

    5. Momba's Moves, Strawberry Shortcake, My lucky clover, Worth more than a penny, and Tinkerbell's Magic

    6. Boo you're scared, Janga's Jungle, Peggy sue, Dinah's delight,  Jazz' Jams

    7. Snow Angel

  10. Powder

    Without knowing the horse, your questions can't be answered.  An name doesn't mean any of those things.  I knew a lady with a horse named Honey & she was evil.  But I knew a guy with a black horse named spook & he was a doll.

    Also, albinos have pink eyes.

  11. People say albino when they see a cremello or a perlino.

    These two types have pink skin and blue eyes.  They are NOT albinos.

    Cremellos have white manes and tails and Perlino's have orangish tinged mane and tails and legs.

    I have a perlino.

    From what I understand a 'true albino' is actually the ones born with the dreaded lethal white syndrome...they die within 30 minutes of being born.

    A 'white' horse will have the brown eyes.

    Just thought I would let you know this so you can really find out what color of horse you have  :)

  12. Thats the Milky Way

    Rosie's Rampage

    Worth More Than A Penny

    Jazz' Jams

    Boo You're Scared

    3. Tally Ho

    Peggy Sue

    Sun Dance

    Raspberry Delight

    Janga's Jungle

    Strawberry Shortcake

    Tinkerbell's Magic

    1& 4. My Lucky Clover

    Dinah's Delight

    2. Princess Buttercup

    Momba's Moves

    Shamrock's Luck

    7. Just a beu-kay (Petunia)

    7. Lilly of the valley (lilly)


  13. 1. Shamrocks Luck

    2. Princess Buttercup and Tinkerbells Magic

    3. Jazz Jams

    4. More Than A Penny (drop worth)

    5. Milky Way, More Than a Penny, Jazz Jams, Jangas Jungle and  My Lucky Clover

    6. Momba Moves, Peggy Sue, Sun Dance, Tally Ho, Rasberry Delight

    7. I prefer unique names - like

    Marsh my Mellow

    Cinco De Mayo

    Jamacian Moon

    Frosted Pearl

    Have fun!

  14. 1. My Lucky Clover

    2. Peggy Sue, Milky Way, Princess Buttercup, Strawberry Shortcake

    3. Tally Ho, Worth More Than A Penny

    4. Momba's Moves, Shamrock's Luck, Sun Dance

    5. My Lucky Clover, Shamrock's Luck, Boo You're Scared, Rosie's Rampage, Tally Ho

    6. Dinah's Delight, Tinkerbell's Magic, Raspberry Delight, Peggy Sue, Jazz' Jams

    7. Sugar 'n' Spice, Snowflake, Snow Angel, White Christmas, Angel.

  15. ok so basically you're getting a Perlino, Cremello or Sabino. hope you have horse sunblock complete cover cotton rugs and a nose flap on the hood, aswell as ear covers and the rest. I even hate having horses with baldy faces because it's annoying.

    Dinah's Delight is good

    or Ghost or Miss Bones

  16. 1.Momba's Moves

    2.strawberry shortcake

    3.My Lucky Clover

    4.Raspberry Delight


        a.My Lucky Clover

        b.Momba's Moves

        c.Strawberry Shortcake your scared

        e.peggy sue


        a.priness butter cup

        b Dinah's delight

        c.Tinkerbell's magic

        d.janga jungle

        e.rosie Rampage


    p.s i also like ....worth more than a Penny

  17. 1.Tally Ho (edit)

    2.Girls: Princess Buttercup, Boys: Milky Way (drop the 'that's the)

    3. Rosie's Rampage

    4.Sun Dance

    5.My Lucky Clover

    Sun Dance

    Milky Way

    Tinkerbell's Magic

    Tally Ho

    6.Momba's Moves

    Jamzz' Jams

    Janga's Jungle

    Raspberry Delight

    Shamrock's luck

    7. Lady Luck

    Snow Taffy

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