
Names for my rescue guy / Update on his condition!?

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Hey guys;

For those of you who don't know, this is a follow up to my previous question about the colt being left on my doorstep last night:;_ylt=AlhpVLHhLJ42.K0dxDZd4C7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080717174152AAdICNR .

Anyways, we have found out where he came from. My dad was going out to treat some horses that live about 45 minutes away from us, he flashed the picture to some of his clients, and one of them recognized him! He said that a lady who had 4 kids owned him and he lived in her pasture. He came out to our farm, saw him and said "yep, that's definitely him,". He said that the lady had been planning to move for a few months, and that her official moving day was yesterday, but she had assured him that she had found a buyer for her horse. He said that the last time he'd seen the horse was about a month ago, because the lady had told him that he'd already "moved to his new home". So, there you have it folks! Don't know how she got our addy. More




  1. Call him Hoax - seems fitting - not a very good practical joke really - but would fit the situation on some levels!

  2. I think Trooper fits the situation perfectly, becase he is such a little trooper. You and your family are doing a great thing for this colt, I admire you and your commitment to helping him!

  3. Trooper is good.

    I like Canadian Trooper too

    Good luck with him!

  4. That is one lucky horse, to have been left on your doorstep rather than someone else's.  As for names, I like Hoax and Trooper.  Trooper really fits the situation, but I think Hoax is a little more original.

  5. Wow, just wow.  People!  I'm glad they left him at a vet's doorstep, but geez, that is incredibly selfish and irresponsible.  How do THEY know your dad wouldn't just auction him off anyway? (No offense intended to you or your dad, of course - I know that's not your plan).

    He needs a name that reflects the fact that he is lucky and/or finally in a safe place!  Post pics if/when you get them, that helps with the naming process (not to mention we are all curious, anyway)!

    EDIT:  I like Trooper - more than that, I like names that fit.  If Trooper fits, then go with it!  Can't wait to see a pic, whenever you're able to get around to it (computers are only slow when you actually WANT to do more than the normal web surfing, it seems!)

  6. Great update! I love the name Trooper, it's perfect! I have a "rescue" also that I named Grace, and not because she's graceful let me tell you. She also likes cameras, so far the only clear shots I've gotten of her are of her nostrils! lol She has on several occasions thought it would be a tasty treat and I had a short wrestling match with her once. For some reason, the command "leave it" didn't work! LOL (I am a dog trainer.) Sounds like your guy is a curious thing, which is always good, they tend to be less fearful and flighty. Have fun with him and once again I hope his tests come out OK and maybe you can get to keep him! :D

  7. i loveeee Trooper!!  haha... we rescued a cat once and i named him Trooper!  you're family is soo nice and caring for taking in this foal and it seems like you love him a lot!  i hope you get to keep him!!  please keep us updated!!!

    i hope this helps and good luck!!  :]

  8. That's amazing that you found the owner so quickly.  I didn't figure you'd have any luck, although I suppose it doesn't really matter, but it's nice to know where he came from.  At least that's one piece of the puzzle you have.

    I imagine you'll have to keep him for awhile at least since you don't have the title to him or anything like that.  Although that probably won't be all that hard to work out, given your situation and your dad's influence in the local horse community.

    You're only 15???  I never would have guessed.  If only all 15 year olds were as mature and well spoken as you...I WISH I'd had myself as together as you are at that age!

  9. Glad to hear that!!! Great point 1024.. That woman just threw her horse at your door step without really knowing what could've happened to him after wards. The nerve of some people....

    Welp, hopefully this guy finally finds a home that's going to treat him right, and sounds like you're going to make sure of that!

    I'm no good at names so just play off of his personality and the circumstance. Good luck!


    I like trooper. Suits him well, I think.

  10. My BS meter has gone off the charts.

    I'll bet you can't.  So, is there a microchip?

    Email me your dad's vet info and I'll back off.....but none of your stuff makes one bit of sense.

  11. Riley...i really like that name for a horse i dont know why lol mines a mare and was already named when i rehomed her(shes an ex racer) shes called luscious.

    errm how about Chad, Eddie, Bean, GG, Kenny, Donnie, Hills, Piper ...just thinking of friends awful with names!!

  12. Thanks for the follow-up!!  Unreal..but's good to know he is safe and hopefully sound!!

    Names...let's see--

    Lucky Lad

    Lucky Thursday

    Lucky Guy

    Lucky Boy

    Lost and Found

    Out of the Woods

    I'm a Lucky Boy or Guy

    Ask-Him (or all in one--someone would ask.."what is your horses name" and you say Ask-Him!!

    One Summer Night

    Call me Lucky

    Full of Fate

    It's a Miracle

    Pictures would be great...

    Also, from one of your other posts...what happened to your "worker" or should I say the watch you ..."worker"?

    *******************EDIT***************... fingers are bloody from typing those names but, I have to admit I like the name Trooper as his barn name and Laurens' 'Lil Trooper (or Our 'Lil Trooper)  for his future show name!!

    As far as the slacker...if given enough rope...eventually they hang themselves or dig their own graves.  Thank goodness it was before the barn might have gone up in smoke.  I'm very finicky around the barn too!!

  13. Trooper is perfect!!!

  14. I would call him Lucky.

  15. How about Lucky Trooper, he was lucky to find caring people, so much that he is now safe and will soon be sound

    I will say a little prayer for him and for you, so that you can keep him.

    this is one Lucky little colt........the lady needs not to be able to own horses again...

    good luck on being able to keep him

    also possible names



    Miracle, its a miracle he was saved

  16. Wow that is an amazing event for a horse, I'm so glad he found a great place to stay. Sometimes I wish something like that would happen to us, but alas it won't.

    I think Trooper is a great name for him, cuz he is such a Trooper for going threw so much ordeal, but he's pretty lucky to find such a great family to be dropped off at.

    Good Luck in getting to keep him ;)

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