
Names for toddler parts?

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Whats the best name for naming childs genitals i dont want to use p***s and v****a




  1. Boy: Pee Pee, Wee Wee

    Girl: Monkey, Kitty

    I only have Boys but this is what my friends/family  use for Girls

  2. both my children called there v****a's "their bits".

  3. Fluff for a girl, widgy for a boy

  4. I would teach your child the "actual" names of his/her body parts.  I wouldn't want my daughter to walk around and call her v****a a "flower" or anything else!  And, I don't want my son calling his p***s a "rocket ship"!  I'm going to teach my children the appropriate names :)

  5. i say willy to my son but im trying to say p***s and v****a as they are the proper words to say they sound much better than willy or f***y. But you say what you feel comfortable saying.

  6. winky for boys, and pee pee for girls

  7. for my 5 yr old nephew its his pee-pee and for my 3 yr old niece its her tinkler

  8. a flower for  a little girl, and i thought for the longest time boys had little birds! I definitely like flower for a little girl!

  9. At the moment we call them man bits and lady bits, my little ones are 2 and 4 and at that stage where they'll talk to anbody about anything. My son recently walked up to someone and said "i have man bits and Elsa has lady bits" it was so funny yet a little embarrassing at the same time, so i'm glad we have more delicate names for their parts rather then something that might have been offensive.

  10. i call my daughters a FOO . mad i know but hey what can i say??

  11. We call our sons his "little man" and our daughters is her "JJ"

  12. v****a and p***s ..that's what we use for our twins !

  13. we say her pee-pee or her butt/bum/bottom depending on the situation. We will use the same for our son. We do however tell her the proper names of p***s am v****a as well. Use what the pediatritian uses. The he/she is asked a question by a medical professional they know what they are talking about.

  14. I use tush for v****a.  I just don't like the word.  p***s is just p***s.

  15. What's wrong with p***s and v****a? Those are the actual words for those parts, just like nose, knee, elbow, and leg.  Did you make up fake words for those body parts?

    Teach them now the proper names for things so that they don't grow up thinking there is anything shameful about those words (because there isn't).

  16. my little girl is 16 months old she has a bath with her daddy or me regularly and has started to notice that we has different parts to her and she points and says took (look) so we started saying he has a willy and mummy has boobies, she has also started touching her bits when she has her nappy changed and we tell her its her minnie, i obviously dont expect her to know what we mean but i think thats the simplest thing to call them if you start calling them after other things then your child will get confused

  17. My son started talking like crazy about the same time he started to walk. it was like he just woke up one day saying full sentences. He's always called his p***s his pee-pee. hee's very private about it and even though i think he SHOULD know the proper name for it it would probably embarrass him to death. He gets so red when he gets out of the bath he wants me to give him the towel so "I can dry my own pee-pee Mom!" and when he was potty training and having accidents I made him strip down in his bedroom and walk to the bathroom and he would cover himself and tell everyone NOT to look at him pee-pee. Haha.

  18. my kids(6) all called their v****a ... a wee woman

    and the 1 boy called his p***s his we man

    hope this helps.. liz

  19. i use todger for my son and flower for my girl.

  20. we used the term "private parts" for both my brother and I.  I plan on using that for my kids.  This relates a couple things to them: private means you keep it to your self, don't talk about private parts with other people.  Private parts are yours only, don't let other people touch private parts unless they are Mommy or Daddy (bathing, changing, medical checks) or the doctor that Mommy or Daddy takes you to.  When we learned that we had different private parts, we didn't have to name them anything different, our parents just said, "____ has DIFFERENT private parts".  I remember a brief conversation with my brother about our private parts, basically saying that his was bigger than mine, so I'm sure we knew somehow that they were definitely different.

    We also weren't allowed to use the word "f**t", because my dad didn't want us yelling out "I farted!" in public, we used the word "toot".

    I'm against the use of words like flower, bird, hot dog, etc. because those words have real meanings, and those can confuse children.  Good luck!

  21. Foojan for a girl and willy for a boy!

  22. I agree with the above poster, there is absolutely nothing shameful or dirty about the words p***s and v****a, why make up new names for them so your children grow thinking that their bodies are something to be ashamed of?

    That being said, I think todger may just be the funniest word for p***s I have ever heard.

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