
Names of Urban Industries that had negative impacts on the enviroment but have taken measures to improve it?

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This is and essay that I have due in my human Geography class. I need help finding a major urban industry that had traditionally had a negative impact on the enviroment but has since taken measures in recent years to improve its relationship with the enviroment and its image in our emerging post-industrial society. I need help finding the names of some major industries and where I can look to research it. Thank you so much for helping me!




  1. CEMEX – Davenport, Calif. (A cement plant)

    Honored as the winner of the Land Stewardship category and finalist in the Environmental Performance and Energy Efficiency categories, the CEMEX Davenport plant demonstrates excellence in several aspects of environmental responsibility. In 2007, the facility completed improved dust management, site paving, and stormwater controls, and made site aesthetic improvements. The plant beneficially uses all produced kiln dust and reclaims more than 26,000 tons annually from an existing dust landfill. To conserve resources, the facility collects and uses byproducts from other industries and wastewater. The plant received the 2007 U.S. EPA Energy Star award for energy efficiency. The facility routinely involves the local community in plant activities.

    This is probably not an "urban industry" though - hog confinement facilties.

    Smithfield Foods

    More than $2 million in grants from Smithfield Foods will be used to help improve water quality in rivers and streams and help find an alternative to hog waste lagoons, the state said Monday.

    The grants were the second in a series to be awarded to environmental programs under an agreement between the state and Smithfield. Under the agreement signed July 25, 2000, Smithfield will provide $50 million over 25 years for environmental improvement.

    Also lists

    Alcoa, and Kodak amont others.

    Look for WEC awards (World Environment).

    Also, my sister works for a state of IL agency that helps companies improve their environmental impact and avoid the E.P.A.

    I found their address:

    Illinois Hazardous Waste Research & Information Center

    1808 Woodfield Drive

    Savoy, IL 61874

    (217) 333-8940

    I'm sure you could get lots of info from them.

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