
Names you would choose if they weren't so popular?

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What names do you love but would not bestow on your children because they are too popular? Or does popularity not stop you from naming your kids what you want? ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Please add to your answer, do you have a very common, somewhat common, or uncommon first name yourself?




  1. When I choose my childrens names, I did look at the lists of what was popular, and stayed away from anything close to the top, I think its important that your child have a name that is familiar, but not common. My Name is Katie (go by Kate since HS) but there weren't many Katies in my age group, about 1 per grade.  So familiar, not common. My husbands name is Jim, and he had to go by his last name in college, because there were like 4 Jim's in his Frat, annoying. And still when you talk to a lot of friends/ family, I need to specify "My Jim" because there are so many others.

  2. I have a rather rare first name.  It's Zalika.  I know there are other people out there with my name, but I've never met or even heard of another.

    As for really popular names that I like....I love the names Kristina, Isabella, Lilly/Lillian, Jennifer, Elise, Evelyn, Rachel, James, Michael, Steven, and Andrew.  I'd never use them as first names though, because they're so popular.  :\  I might use one as a middle name, though.

  3. That's an interesting question. My boyfriend and I both love the names Katie and Kaitlin, but we would never give them because they're very, very common, particularly for teens/young adults. I also think Olivia is a gorgeous name, but I don't want my daughter to be one of the 5 Olivias in her class, so I kind of gave up on this too.

    We're finally naming our twins Madeleine Victoria and Oliver Lachlan. We think the first names are somewhat common, but not trendy at all, which we like.

    My name is Ella, it's probably somewhat common for people in their 20s, although it's becoming trendy right now. I like my name, I don't know many people my age who have the same, and I'm happy about it! :)

  4. I love Sarah, Leah, Isabella, Hannah, Rachel

    Less common names



  5. I love the names






    But would not name my children these because there are so many

    around at the moment

    I prefer good , old original names






    are my kids names


  6. Well, my name is very uncommon so I would defenitely use a common name if I liked the name. I already have two boys named Kevin and Adam...those names are common but not super common that they are in the top 10.

  7. I have a very popular name...Elizabeth. Can't get much more popular than the top ten! But I think it's the perfect name. It is popular, but that is because it is timeless, not trendy (it has remained in the top thirty names since the 1800s...highest peak, #3; lowest, #26...and it was only for a short period of time in the 1900s it fell out of the top ten). Elizabeth is truly a classic name. It is professional, and has lifelong durability. It always gets correctly spelled and pronounced. And I get compliments on it all the time! I would name my child Elizabeth if it wasn't so popular. Oh well, perhaps I'll get a grandchild named after me ;)

  8. I've always absolutely loved the name Aden.

    When I was a little kid and I would write stories, I would always name one character Aden (I started writing stuff over 15 years ago!)

    But, it's WAY too common these days to use :(

    I don't like very odd names, but I don't like common ones either.

    I won't tell anyone any names I like now out of fear that I will curse it and it will somehow become popular :P

    I don't have a common name, either. I have an even less common spelling of the name. I've met only a handful of people with my name, and have never met anyone with the spelling.

  9. I have always loved the name


    because of St. Aidan who was an Irish bishop in the 600's who later ministered in England. I liked the way he expressed his spirituality in practical ways by showing care and compassion for people from even the poorest backgrounds.

    However, these days that name is sooooooo trendy that I just couldn't bring myself to name my child that!

  10. I would definitely not pick Caitlyn or Kaitlynn ( there's a milion different ways to spell it.  )  There are tons of them , and people keep using it!  I do like Grace for a middle name, but that is so popular.  Of course from my era almost every girl has the middle name Lynn, Dawn, Ann, or Nicole.  It seems like everyone tries to do something different, but they all end up the same!   I guess if you really love a name use it anyway.. unless u just don't want your child to share the same name with 2 or 3 other kids in their class.  On the other hand, some people come up with outlandish names trying to be "unique" and saddle their child with a weird name for life.  My real first name is not unusual, but hardly anyone uses it anymore-Susan.  

  11. Catherine, Grace, Olivia, Elizabeth and Jaclyn.

  12. I love the names Isabella, Olivia, and Kadence, but they are all way too popular right now for me to choose them!  My name is Emily, which is the number one girl's name almost every single yeah, hehe.  I do like a lot of names that are not super popular, though, like Genevieve, Gwendolyn, Penelope, Evangeline.  :o)

  13. I like older more normal names, names that people have like Olivia or Isabella or Katherine, but them being popular doesn't stop me from wanting to name my kids those names

  14. I like names that are not to common, such as Maya, Savannah, Monique, Dominique, and I forgot what the last one was. Dang! They aren't to common where I live, anyway.

    My name is Rachel. It is very common. I know of so many people named Rachel, and it gets very annoying!

  15. My name is Sarah

    I don't understand the ?? but I'm gonna try this anyway...

    Popular names:






    Uncommon Names:





  16. Sophia and Nicholas!

    In general, I wouldn't go for a top-10 name, but in the range 20-50 I would be OK with.  They *may* have someone else in their class with the same name, but realistically probably not.  With Sophia, there are other names that I love for girls, and would be able to let it go in favour of one less popular.  Nicholas, however, I would have a hard time giving up!

    The question I ask myself is, "Honestly, how big a deal is it that there is another Sophia in the class?"  after all, it won't ALWAYS be like that.  Just every so often.  Actually, my daughter is excited if she meets another person with her name.

    I have a name that was very common for children born in the 1960's (like me).  On the other hand, there was a much smaller range of names used then.  Katherine, Jennifer, Nichole, Maureen, Mary, Michelle, Kathleen, Melissa, Susan -- at least 3 of each in my high school class.  On the other hand, I had a more unusual nickname (Kate/Katie -- most Katherines were Kathy back then).

    It's an interesting trend.   For children born in the 1960's, girls tended to have similar "full names" but much more variety of nicknames.  These days, it seems to go the other way.  "Can you think of a 'unique' name for nickname Allie?"  So many Abbys, Allies, Ellies.. but from Abigail, Abelia, Allison, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Elena...

  17. My favorite girls name is Savannah. i think its really pretty  even though its getting to be more popular in recent years. My ame is Lauren, which is very common.

  18. I like Caitlin (only spelled that way) and Sarah and Isabella but they are way too popular for my taste! And for boys I love Connor and Ethan and Austin but they are too popular as well.

    My name is uncommon and I'm going to choose to give my children somewhat uncommon names.

  19. Madison, Ava, Ella, Sophia,Grace, Jake, Aidan, name a few. I have not used these names because they are so popular, but I was able to find less common names that I love even more!

    My name is Jessica-pretty common

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