
Naming twins?

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There are a lot of twin-naming trends out there, like both twins name having to same first letter (or all the same letters rearranged), or giving twins different names with the same meaning, or giving twins the same middle name.

Which trends do you like, and which do you hate?




  1. i think you should name them like somthing that sound alik like willie and millie or beth and seth or somthing like that

  2. I hate it. It might be cute for little GIRLS when they are very little but when they get older it is embarrassing and Tacky. Especially rhyming. And boys will hate that having a rhyming name or a name that sounds alike.

  3. I like for 2 girls:

    Grace & Olivia

    [Gracie & livie]

    For 2 boys:

    Justin & Jayden

    For Mixed:

    Keira & Joseph.

  4. i like it when they both have the same first letter.........because if the letters are just rearranged its kinda wierd and nobody would know if they have the same meaning. its cute to give them the same middle name, but its not unique for them.

  5. Same first letter, but not sounding too similar.

  6. I don't like those "first letter same" trends, and I don't like madeup names.  I also don't like rearranging letters, or spelling things by making up the spelling.

    For a boy-girl set I like:

    Rebekah and Timothy

    For a boy-boy set I like:

    Anthony and Joseph

    For a girl-girl set I like:

    Vanessa and Madeline

    Same middle name for any twins is just stupid, and I have never actually heard of it.  Bye!

  7. I like it when it starts with the same sound, but not the same letter. I know twin 4 year olds named Kaylee & Carson.

    So they sort of match, but start with different letters.

  8. I like the individuality naming convention.

    Twins are people, not bookends.  They should not match.

    I have twins.  Their names are Hector and Angela.  No similarity between them at all.  Their middle names are not associative either.  Only thing they have in common is a last name, and parents.

  9. I hate all the trends. You are giving birth to two unique individuals that will have unique personalities. Pick two names independent of each other. They will be known as "the twins" forever, give them something that is theirs...

    People that use sing-song names really only like one name and give the other twin a name because it  rhymes, so you give one name and the other gets a name by "default" would you feel if you parents only named you something because it rhymed with your sibling....

  10. I love it when the first letter is the same!

    & I loath it when the names ryhme or near enough - or even if they have the same meaning - it take away their personality - well I'd feel like that is it were me!!

  11. If i had twins, i'd like to name them with the same first letter but different names.Trends i don't like are the ones where like the parents name thier twins like the exact same name just with different letters. Like for example, i know these two twins who are named Brandon and Brendon, which in my opinion are like the samething.

  12. Not too similar.

    I like Ellie and Joshua

    Ellie and Taylor

    Ellie and Alexandra( Alex)

    Joshua and Joe

  13. i like ruby and scarlet.

    cause theyre both gems, and both red. :D

  14. My Aunt's first son was Mason. When he was 3, she had twin boys and named them Tanner and Taylor. Now the twins have alliterated first names, and all 3 of her kids are named after craftsmen.

    I think it's adorable.

    I think if I ever ave twins (and they run RAMPANT in out family), I'd want to do something similar - perhaps Bentley and Pierce (both luxury cars) or Tiffany and Chanel. Kinda themed, for lack of a better word.

  15. I like the first same

    Haylie and Heidi

    Josh and John

    Kelly and Kate

    Emma and Bailey

  16. Ok there is these ADORABLE girls. Their names are Aryan & Arylin. They are chinese but the names arent. Well i think its cute. Similar names are my favorite trends.

  17. i love the same first letter or there is one that i have seen with siblings the first letter goes in order of the alphabet A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,...............

  18. I'm pregnant with twins, and don't know the sexes yet, so I'm holding off on picking names. But I do know that I won't be naming them names that rhyme—too cutesy. And they won't have the same middle names either—seems kind of boring.

    I want them to be their own individuals and have their own identities. I think the best thing to do is pick two names, similar in style, that your children will be happy to have from childhood through adulthood. At least that's my plan.

  19. Marie and Mary are good girl ones. Rhyming is also cool. I.E. Jen and Ben.

  20. rhyming names bother me lol.. the same first letter is cute.. i never heard of rearranging letters but thats pretty creative

    middle name is cute too

  21. i  like  same  middle  name  becaes  if  one  gets  the  fathers  middle  name  they  might  feel  more  important  but  i  hate  ryming  names
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