
Nancy Reagan has as Much Experience as Hillary why are people downing her?

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It's so sad her Husband did so much to help this country and then Clinton came mucked it up.

Why are people dumping on Nancy Reagan?




  1. I haven't seen anyone downing Nancy Reagan.  She's a great lady.

  2. Im not speaking against someone like Nancy Reagan who clearly has memory loss, and not in her right mind right now enough to make a statement about anything at her age, and neither am i Jon McCain who seems to be starting  to have the same problem but, not remembering which country is which. But, even though there is good and bad points about all presidents, Reagan did have some good ones but, Reaganomics sucked and never worked. amoung backing out of the Ollie North scandal so convieniently as he did with his memory loss!!! The Clintons actually did allot better than Bush ever thought about doing in his wildest dreams, even though things was in an uproar about the s*x scandal that happend. In reality, if we was to judge every single president that held office that ever had an extra marital affair, we would be in discussions about this for the next 100 yrs, democrat or republican!!! The economy with Clinton was allot better then if you remember correctly, and we was in a budget surplus which Bush quickly turned into a debt, and was responsable for allot of our higher paying jobs leaving the country with so many people going into forclosure. Even though I think Clinton did a good job for the most part, allthough no one is perfect, not even a president, I think that Obama would be better for a change of course!!! If the Clintons get back in office, I'm just afraid that it would be another scandal for the tax payers to pay for, and give something for the self rightious hypocrits to ***** about only fueling the fire!!! One thing is for sure, the republicans have been s******g things up so bad for so long now, everyone knows with half a brain that they dont stand a chance at all in this election!!!! Time to kick that greedy little oil mongering ___tard out of office, and get someone in there that knows what the h___ they are doing!!! If the democrats do their job right, this will be a point in history for all to remember, and remind us how much things go wrong with a republican running the country!!!!

  3. Fact: Nancy Reagan was never a political official. Therefore, she has less political experience than Hillary Clinton.

    Fact: Ronald Reagan let Greenspan in. If you think the word "subprime" is a cheap cut of steak, you probably think that is a good thing.

    More facts: Reagan ran up the debt more than every other president before him *combined*. He permitted members of his administration to establish a de facto shadow government to sell weapons to Iran--our enemy then and now--and to allow the transport of cocaine into the United States in massive amounts all for the sake of funding right-wing insurgents in a podunk Latin American nation.

    Clinton actually cut spending and balanced the federal government. Clinton also enacted many economic bills that Reagan could only dream of, like welfare reform, NAFTA and SEC deregulation. If you want a real fiscal conservative, Clinton, not Reagan, is your man.

    Here's another fact for you: Nancy Reagan supports stem cell research, something you "conservatives" are supposed to hate.

  4. She wasn't very nice when she was first lady.

    She didn't even invite Mrs. Barbara Bush to the White House, and this is not First lady protocal. The sitting first lady is supposed to show th incoming first lady through the White house. Even Hilary did that.

  5. Nancy Reagan is DUMB - that's why.

    Who else but a "Dora dumb dumb" would utter comments such as these??

    Nancy Reagan Quotes:

    I do not intend for this to take a political tone. I’m just here for the drugs.

    I think people would be alive today if there were a death penalty.

    Gawd, don't even presume to speak of Hillary Clinton's brilliant intellect as being in the same class as Nancy Reagan.

  6. I think people have a distorted view of the Clinton presidency because they are seeing it through a tunnel of incompetence and corruption called the Bush presidency.

    I mean compared to Bush, Bill Clinton was Lincoln..... but compared to Lincoln Bill is more like Nixon.  We expect so little (basic competence) that his mediocre presidency is viewed as great.  He certainly wasn't good enough to warrant another 8 years....... and a vote for Hillary is simply a vote for Bill.  Hillary has ZERO claim to presidency without the subconcsious, or consious attachment to Bill in the minds of voters.

    A vote for her is a vote for him..... we need to expect a bit more from our leaders and stop referring to Bill as if he were great....

  7. you don't recall history do you?

    two hints:

    ketchup is a vegetable and  "just say no".

    alot of damage was brought on by her ignorance and ideas.

  8. I love Nancy Reagan....but I don't think her husband helped the country all that much.....are you too young to remember

    "Reaganomics" I did so enjoy when Reagan bombed Libya for talking too much smack....he earned my respect

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