
Nanny jobs should I ask for gas allowance?

by  |  earlier

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would it be rude of me to ask for a gas allowance up front for a nanny job? I posted for a job and the family that has answered lives about 40-45 minute drive away without At;anta traffic. Since I don't have a job I need one in the worst way so I don't want to botch up this. Gas is super high...any suggestions for me? Please serious reply’s only.




  1. You will have to discuss this issue with them at the time of hiring.  The first thing is to make a very good impression and have good references.  When they decide they like you and are ready to hire you, you will need to then negotiate your salary.  You can add it into your salary if you think you can get it or you can ask for it to be an extra.

  2. I am a nanny too and i dont ask for gas money unless they require me to drive the children around. I work 40 min away from work and since i chose to accept the job far away, i pay for my gas to get me there.

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