
Nap and bedtimes for 10 month old?

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What time does your 10 month old go to bed at night? How many naps per day? What time and how long are their naps?

My 10 month old has been sleeping in a little later in the morning and taking longer morning naps. He still needs a 2nd nap, but it is pushing his bedtime pretty late (8:30-9:30). Just curious what other babies this age are doing and if I should try to drop the 2nd nap and move bedtime back to 7-7:30????




  1. i have a girl, and she sleeps very late, she naps in the afternoon one time and that buts her to sleep around 12- 1- in the morrning, i asked the docter and she said babies are different, the sleep when they want to but you should try to avoid giving them any sugar around night time cause that keeps them up late, my brothers son is the same thing also sleeps in all different times and he is 8 month, i would say your baby is fine at least doesnt keep you up as late as my daughter does

  2. My son goes to bed between 8-8:30pm, gets up around 2am, and then up for the day around 6am.  He usually takes a 2-hour nap around noon, and another late nap about 5-6pm.  I wish I could get him off the nap from 5-6pm, but he is SO TIRED after daycare, he really needs this one!  

  3. I'm a SAHM and prefer my daughter wake up later. She's 10 months, takes 2 naps per day about 2-3 hrs each and sleeps 8-10 hrs at night. She's not always on a particular time schedule but does follow a pattern. Takes a nap about 2 hrs after waking in the morning, then stays up another 4-5 hrs and takes another nap. Then she's up until bedtime.

    Sample= Wakes 10am

                                Naps 12noon

                                Naps 6-7pm

                                Bedtime 11pm-midnight

    She's a night owl like her mommy!!

  4. My son goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up about 6:30am.  He takes a morning nap around 8:30 or 9am and sleep till 10or 11am then again at 2ish is his afternoon nap and that lasts till about 3:30pm then he goes down again at 7pm and sleeps til morning.

  5. My daughters bed time is 10pm and she wakes around 8:30-9.  Naps about 11 to 1, Second short nap usually about 5-6.  Now that she is a little older she is skipping her 11 to 1 nap.

  6. My son has just started daycare so he's still adjusting to the new schedule, but he does really well with it.  He usually wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning.  His first nap is at 8:45 until 9:30.  His second nap is at 1:00 until 3:00.  He goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps all night.  He will be 10 months in one week.

  7. Well, there isn't an answer that goes for all babies, because they all require different needs.  What I have noticed from all of my experience working at preschools, daycares and now as a nanny, I would suggest either one nap a day, or two short naps if you think he still needs one later in the day.  That is pretty great that he sleeps in later in the morning, but not so great if he is going to be so late at night.

    Try a shorter morning nap, and maybe an hour nap from 2-3 in the afternoon.  Most kids I have taken care of only have one nap time, and it was always right after lunch.  If your baby is sleeping in, there really isn't a need for a morning nap. 7:30 is the usual bed-time, but it mostly depends on what you prefer; do you want more time to yourself or for you and your hubby in the evenings....or maybe it doesn't matter.

    Good luck!

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