
Napkins rings for you wedding?

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How many of you are worrying about the set up of the napkins or having special napkin rings for your wedding? or are you simply letting the venue do what they "normally" due for the wedding setup?

What if you could have 75 seashell napkin rings made for only $10.00... would you think it was a special touch or still a waste of time and money.

Would you as a guest even notice if there were something other than the standard paper napkin wrappers on the table?




  1. Save your money and don't use a ring. There are many ways to fold napkins fancy so you don't need a ring. Fine Resturants don't use a ring.

  2. i think its a nice touch and its not breaking the bank, so i say go for it, as long as you like it!!

    i always notice the printed napkins and the rings so:)

  3. For $10.00?  I would do it.  It's not that much money and it would add a special extra touch to the table setting.

  4. I think that if you want something different or special for your wedding then do it. It wont be considered a waste of time and money, becuase it will be what you wanted. I would definetly notice something like that if i was a guest because when I would grab the napkin I would have to pull the ring off and notice it. I personally dont worry about it, but if i could get a good deal on napkin rings like that, I would def. consider it.

  5. I personally wouldn't bother.  I'd go with what the venue is offering/doing.  Although it's a small price to pay for napkin rings, it's one of those details that wouldn't concern me because as a guest I wouldn't give something like that a second thought.  I'd take the money and spend it on something else.

  6. We're not having any at all...paper or otherwise.   The napkins are going to be folded so they lay in a rectangular shape on the plate with the menu tucked inside.

    Even for $10 I would not do it.  Napkin rings don't serve a purpose other than to litter up the table and look messy once people open their napkins and get thrown in the trash afterwards.

    If you are looking to incorporate seashells into the table decor then why don't you get some of the larger ones and use a paint pen to write guests' names on them.  On the reverse side you can put your names and wedding date.  They will double as favors and place cards.  Set them at each place setting.

    I'd also be a little wary of anybody who could offer me 75 of them for $10.00.  Doesn't seem like it would even start to cover supplies let alone labor.

  7. I detest napkin rings, so wouldn't even bother with them.  They are intended for a casual meal, I don't find them appropriate for the average formal wedding reception.

  8. Even at very formal weddings I have rarely seen napkin rings s don't bother they are nice at a formal family dinner but will be a problem at the reception venue and most likely lost or thrown away. Just go with the venues method it will most likely be a lovely fold and you will be more than pleased with the overall finish. Good Luck!

  9. I think it would make an awesome touch.  That comes to 7 and a half cents each, that is a super deal.  And I'm sure the guests would notice.  I know I would.

  10. Hi and congratulations!

    I have never been to a reception where the paper napkin rings were used.  Usually, there are linen napkins folded nicely, or put inside the water glass.

    But, YES, I think the seashell napkin ring would be a nice touch if you are having a beach themed reception.  And $10 for 75?  Well, you can't go wrong with that!

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