
Napping horse!!! anyone got any tips after reading what is below???

by Guest57167  |  earlier

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Right well i got a new horse a couple of weeks ago and got 2 shetlands to keep her company, they're all mares. And after a couple of days i put her in their field, but she has been in her own field a couple of hours each day and not bothered!

It started last week when i went out for a ride and she wouldn't go past the ponies and just mesed around, and thn when i took one of the shetlands out of the field and she jumped out!!

Then this morning, when i was putting her in a seperate field she started rearing when i was holding her and then she jumped a 5 bar gate! so she's getting really naughty!!

Any one got ANY tips for me??? pleeeease!!




  1. She doesn't like her new neighbors. Your place was HER home, and she was accustomed to being there herself. Suddenly you interrupted her world, with new horses, and she is confused on who has the Matriarch status.

    What you need to do, is let each horse out at the same time, and let them decide who the leader is. This is normal behavior from any species of animal. Try not to control them, but give them each free reign over their territory, for your home, is as much theirs as yours. That is how a horse will see it, whether you like it or not. LOL! Take Care, Mate!

    You're as stubborn as a horse, aren't you? Reverse the horses then, to understand a animal, one must live with them. You do, so understand them. They're talking to you, all you have to do is listen.

  2. Your mare likes the ponies - a lot. She wants to stay with them all the time - "herd bound" is what it's called.

    If they are all happy together...why are you trying to seperate them at this point ...

    Right now she is dealing with having been removed from her friends and usual routine (it USUALLY takes 2-4 weeks for a horse to settle in) and she really does not want to lose these new friends.

    Get a friend to ride the pony with you while you ride.


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