
Nappy rash - 3 month old baby

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Our 3 month old seems to have a nappy rash that isn't getting any better...he has diahhorea since Sunday but isn't dehydrated and isn't refusing his bottles...he was at the doc yesterday and she thinks that he may be starting to teeth...and the diahhorea isn't a cause for concern.....we have been trying Sodocream and have also been trying Morhulin ointment since yesterday but it's not getting any's horrible seeing him suffer when we are changing his bum....any ideas on other lotions/potions that might help?





  1. Try a little Desitin.  My son went through this.  Desitin worked like a charm.  Also as much as possible, we would try to keep him dry.  Sometimes we would lay him on a towel with a washcloth over his front and let him air out a little too.  

    We have also used Boudreaux's Butt Paste, that is also good, but it is more expensive.  

    Good luck!

  2. For sure use Desitin, just rub it on the rash, it works like an charm.

    Your doctors right, dont be worried about the diahhorea, just make sure to change the diaper as soon as you notice.

    Congratulations, on a new baby.  

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